C. helps government officials develop appropriate legislation. Multiple select question. Government and business leaders are being held to A. can encourage employees to deceive customers, Following an ethics-based approach to decision making will normally lead to higher ________. Economic conditions in some developing countries make child labor a necessity for the survival of families. Running a business in an ethical manner from the top down establishes stronger bonds between individuals on the management team. C. help laid-off employees get their jobs back. 'Business' can also mean an entity that offers goods and services for exchange, i.e., that sells things. Read 'Storm' by Gary Paulsen, that you can find on the internet and answer the following question. B. philanthropy The most basic question in an ethics-based management system is. B. ability to plan for the unexpected. A set of formalized rules and standards that describe what a company expects of its employees is called a(n) A business should be managed ethically for many reasons: to maintain a good reputation; to keep existing customers and attract new ones; to avoid lawsuits; to reduce employee turnover; to avoid government intervention; and to please customers, employees, and society. 22. standards. cultural and accountable Both high-quality service and low unethical behaviors are important to predicting business unit performance, said Jiang. She was even _____ after her solo than before. Codes of ethics foster ethical behavior by [B] most of those who caused the crisis going to jail When implementing a new ethics program, businesses must also communicate the changes to outside parties such as: customers The statement by Patagonia that "A love of wild and beautiful places demands participation in the fight to save them, and to help reverse the steep decline in the overall environmental health of our planet" is an example of: It's the age-old reality: "Out-of-sight, out-of-mind." [D] requiring all bankers to sign ethical codes. based on a commitment to integrity and respect Nike suffered criticism due to its __________ _____________ violations in their overseas manufacturing facilities. Multiple choice question. Multiple Choice Multiple select question. Sean Peek has written more than 100 B2B-focused articles on various subjects including business technology, marketing and business finance. Business ethics are applicable not only to the manner the business relates to a customer but also to the society at large. First and foremost, father of 5 and grandfather to 3.<br><br>I am passionate about healthy communities and business, especially the lifeblood of Australia's economy - small business. \text{Variable manufacturing overhead} & \text{0.60}\\ A. protecting the owners' rights and investments. varies among those who are interested in corporate responsibility. Explanation C. structure and strategy. The authors start from the assumption that most people wish to behave ethically. formal and informal. leaving unethical behavior unpunished Multiple select question. "It's an ongoing phenomenon that must be better understood and managed and . 2. D. Pricing practices B. Internal Audit Company Protection Act The monetary award may total as high as 30% of the amount collected for violations that exceed $1 million. How does the action I am proposing to take make me feel about myself? Economics (/ k n m k s, i k -/) is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.. Economics focuses on the behaviour and interactions of economic agents and how economies work. Ethical standards are different from country to country. The majority of CEOs blame unethical employee conduct on: Employees want to work for companies that treat everyone and their clients fairly and have good and ethical business practices. Which step is the most critical to help improve business ethics? Everyone with whom the business has dealings. Global Business Ethics. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act provides whistleblowers an award if their actions lead to an enforceable action or conviction. C. Investor relations An ethical business will get your employees to respect your company . In running a successful business, a key factor in that success will be the ethical and moral standards of yourself, your leaders, and your entire team. whistleblowers. Business Ethics refers to carrying business as per self-acknowledged moral standards. [A] To attract customers The international Day Of Pe, Chapter 3 Doing Business in a Global Markets, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, Spring 2018 Final Exam Review Chapters 8,9,10. [A] They will bribe local officials to change their policies. The dimension of social responsibility, which includes certain aspects such as producing low-emission vehicles, is called: A systematic evaluation of an organization's progress toward implementing socially responsible and responsive programs is called: How are U.S. companies likely to pressure foreign companies to change their standards of ethics and social responsibility? With over 20 years of consulting experience across various industries throughout Australia and abroad, I am known for my ability to develop and turn creative strategies into efficient execution and excellent . Multiple select questions. [B] reaches broad and diverse groups Executives at Enron and Tyco were found guilty ____________ of behavior that damaged their companies' reputations, The emergence of the green movement has affected businesses by. [D] To avoid lawsuits, Effective ethics officers: They quickly bought shares of Italian Stallion and purchased the stock before the acquisition became public. A reputation for positive ethical behavior entices more potential clients, customers and partners to work with you. Stresses shared accountability Jake knew that several other employees followed strict company policy every day and always wore their headgear; yet, they were not being acknowledged for their compliance. Demanding Ethical and Socially Res, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Natuurwetenschappen eerste jaar examen trimes. B. it attracts and retains customers Customer privacy policies and practices corporate responsibility Research into ethics and business performance has shown the two are linked in some important ways. D. employee retaliation by doing the minimum needed to get by. A. the breakdown of traditional religious institutions. D. structure and strategy. Proponents of corporate social responsibility strongly believe in benevolence; however, they still want their businesses to be profitable. ignoring both ethical and unethical behavior Top management must adopt and support a corporate code of conduct. However, it was disclosed that somehow a member of Paulie's management team mentioned the deal to a person he sat next to on a flight from LA to Seattle. Which of the following is NOT a part of an integrity-based ethics code? lose sales revenues Ethical behavior means your team operates according to fair and transparent standards, not just complying with legal rules or regulatory requirements, but going above and beyond to ensure decisions are applied through an ethical lens. Packaging requirements A. Organizational ethics begins Multiple Choice at the top levels of management. Business ethics helps to optimize company resources. Integrity-based ethics codes pro-current procurement. demanding that international suppliers adhere to higher, more costly standards than their American counterparts. [C] it reduces the likelihood of lawsuits by employees or customers Customers From retaining employees to ensuring brand loyalty to avoiding lawsuits and fines, a strong code of ethics is key to continued success. D. shift the production of goods to foreign facilities and layoff Canadian workers. Multiple Choice because strict global regulations require it, learned by observing the actions of others in the organization. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The owners of Good Eats Restaurant in St. Louis drove several hours with a van of employees, equipment, and food to donate what they could to help the storm victims. A few months ago, Paulie's Pizza House, a large nationwide chain of restaurants, purchased one of its competitors, Italian Stallion Pizza Stations, for $800 million. True or false: Individuals have social responsibilities regarding their ethical behavior in the business world. If the statement "ethics is caught more than it is taught" is true, then management facilitates this by: What motivated the unethical behavior of real estate agents, lenders, and borrowers that led to the financial crisis of 2008? True Multiple choice question. increasing control A process-oriented approach toward data ethics is well suited for data enthusiasts with limited resources in the fast-changing world of new technologies. Startup Costs: How Much Cash Will You Need? A. reduced employee turnover. A company that has socially responsible human resources management is increasing the diversity of their workforce As a philosophy, ethics are the principles that guide a person's behaviour. integrity-based ethics Periodically asking every employee to evaluate the company's ethics performance. It emphasizes sustainability, customer loyalty, brand image, and employee retention. A failure of leadership to establish ethical standards, Which of the following terms describes someone who reports illegal or unethical behaviour? hiring only women and minorities opportunity influence ethical behavior Safe working conditions Unethical businesses also lose favor with consumers. Which of the following statements about business ethics is false? Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, Chapter 18 APUSH The Victorian Era 1880-1917. Many companies believe they have a role in promoting ______ ______ that goes way beyond simply "giving back. allow for complete anonymity, When implementing a new ethics program, businesses must also communicate the changes to outside parties such as: D. management is insensitive to ethical issues. Its easier for a business to retain employees when they work for a company that they believe in. commitment to maximizing shareholder profits in all decisions, Insiders, such as employees, who report concerns about a company's accounting or auditing practices are called: [B] To maintain a good reputation clarifying what green means A. Multiple Choice (B) are limited to the United States Multiple Choice True false question. Honorees on this year's list of the World's Most Ethical Companies outperformed the Large Cap Index by 10.5 percent over three years. 1 Mini-Case Study, (Learning Curve 11 a) Body Development; Cogni, (LearningCurve 11b) Becoming Your Own Person-, chapter 3 psy 200 (LearningCurve 3b) Survivin, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield, Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese. The concern businesses have for the welfare of society, not just for their owners is: A. demanding socially responsible behavior from international suppliers, particularly in the areas of environmental standards and human rights issues. \text{Utilities Expense} & 500 & \text{Office Supplies} & 1,500 \\ Recently, top management asked company departments to list and evaluate the kinds of socially responsible efforts conducted internally and externally in the business and to list negative occurrences that supervisors observed. B. helping others decreased financial donations but encouraged their employees to volunteer their time to corporate social initiatives and projects. requiring suppliers to be evaluated monthly concerning Both positive and negative activities are measured. social initiatives The total rent on the plant is$80.000 per period. They define crimes more narrowly than do ethics protect from fraud, theft, and violence, while are used to decide how we treat others responsibly to society's views of right and wrong Ethically Behaving often requires more than obeying the law. setting a good example. A. responsibility The researchers also determined that businesses could take certain steps to rectify ethical lapses that impacted performance. D. varies from industry to industry. Explanation An important factor in enforcing ethics codes is selecting a(n) ________ ________. Ethical behavior includes honesty, integrity, fairness and a variety of other positive traits. \text{Cash} & 7,000 & \text{Equipment} & 26,600 \\ [C] Paying U.S. minimum wage likely to perform better financially B. varies even among those who are interested in corporate responsibility. only to compete and make a profit E. all of the answers are correct. Top management at Lancer Distributing is convinced that they have a social responsibility to their community. lower ethical standards than in the past. CSR can lead to even more profits. The ethics code must be enforced. How to Fix a Toxic Workplace, The Best Employee Monitoring Software for 2023. Managing Business Ethics takes the view that ethical and unethical conduct are primarily the product of how systems align within an organization to promote certain kinds of behavior. D. Outsiders must be told about the ethics program. Whistleblowers are insiders who report illegal or unethical behavior. Top management Those who exemplify ethical behavior do the right thing regardless of whether they get credit for it. B. personal responsibility C. compliance Supervisor 4. (D) businesses cannot succeed in societies that fail. Explanation Discrimination and Harassment. HR professionals sometimes face ethical or moral dilemmas. False, Whistleblowers can be helped by protecting them from: Fraud D. operating ethically, honestly and lawfully E. being environmentally responsible, Chapter 2 - Business Ethics and Social Respon, lesson1. This will ensure that you have trustworthy employees working for you. E. Consumer safety information, Which of the following is NOT one of the "Financial Resource Management" responsibilities? A. code of ethics. \text{Retained Earnings, Jan. 1, 2016} & 4,800 & & \\ Which set of ethics codes defines an organization's guiding values, creates an environment that supports ethically sound behavior, and stresses shared accountability? If an underlined word is already in the correct possessive form, write a C on the line. C. commitment to a management training program. the federal government C. Accounting fraud TV ads he many small choices we make daily about working or goofing off, using company phones and computers responsibly, and following safety rules, make it clear that ____________________decisions start with each individual. (B) it is using investors' money in ways they did not intend reaches broad and diverse groups The side effects are so great that the society urges that the business should always be ethically and socially responsible. Multiple choice question. social audit. If an ethical tone is set at the top and followed by management, everyone who works there will hold themselves and each other to those standards. \end{array} Which of the following represent examples of how corporations set positive standards of ethical behavior? \end{matrix} whistleblowers. Deceptive advertising of medicines and toys actual ethics. A. you need to justify socially responsible behaviour from an investors standpoint only. When there is a standard of accountability at an organization, its people hold themselves and their peers to a standard of responsibility. Corporate responsibility Integrity-based ethics is informal company behavior that evolves from individuals' desire to make things better for all. This is called a bounty provision because as stated, they may receive a monetary award for their actions. _____________________ _____________________ _____________________is a business's concern for the welfare of society. D. to please customers, employees, and society. (C) 4 out 5 citizens volunteer an hour each week 360 degrees marketeer, business strategy addict, passionate about creative projects and most importantly project teams. Studies have shown that what most influences a company's effectiveness and financial performance is: responsible management of human resources, Which of the following behaviors are illegal in the United States, but potentially put our companies at a disadvantage in overseas markets? for the welfare of society as a whole, True or false: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and corporate profits can at times go hand in hand. Business ethics benefits the bottom line. analysts. In addition to researching trends, reviewing products and writing articles that help small business owners, Sean runs a content marketing agency that creates high-quality editorial content for both B2B and B2C businesses. Which of the following are true regarding ethical behavior? [A] is costly, but worthwhile in reaching specific customers that only society's health is improved when they invest in companies whose goods and services benefit the community D. Structural commitment, Corporate ________ encompasses various issues such as setting minority hiring practices, manufacturing safe products, and minimizing pollution. B. maintaining proper accounting procedures. draw more customers, retain better employees Article. What is the real risk-free rate of interest (r)\left(\mathrm{r}^*\right)(r) and the nominal risk-free rate (rRF)\left(\mathrm{r}_{\mathrm{RF}}\right)(rRF) ? Multiple choice question. Though discrimination and harassment laws have been put in place and continue to be updated . free from the concern of Less than 202020 percent of the eligible voters has\underline{\text{has}}has an opinion about that subject. Multiple choice question. Many companies believe they have a role in promoting ______________ ___________________ , so they donate to local food banks, promote literacy, and provide computer lessons for inner city children. By being ethical, leaders can foster an environment that rewards and encourages good attitudes. higher ethical standards than in the past. Which of the following would least likely involve ethical concerns? social impact program. Distributors. Specific decisions made by your organization, whether by an individual or the entire group, can have a massive impact on how your company is viewed and the reputation it cultivates for itself. Explanation There are several ways to encourage an ethical workplace culture, including establishing a companywide code of ethics. Ethical behavior includes honesty, fairness, integrity and understanding. Which of the following is a reason why a business should be managed ethically? An important factor in enforcing ethics codes is selecting a(n) _________________ __________________. Multiple choice question. The amount of pollutants a firm unleashes into the environment would serve as an example of a negative activity that would be included in the social audit measurements. [B] allowing management to decide the outcomes of investigations A. The first area is productivity. <br> I believe AI should be built responsibly and produce ethical outcomes. Multiple choice question. Compliance-based ethics codes, In order to have trust and cooperation between workers and managers there needs to be Economist Milton Friedman believed that a business's only social responsibility was to make ____________ for its owners and that anything else was socialism. Which of the following were not identified as being fundamental to the CSR definition? U.S. companies that operate abroad, particularly those who contract with foreign companies, are now ________ human rights and environmental standards followed by U.S. law.

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