People don't like being accused of all of his horrible things that he is accusing people of so if they cannot sustain a better life I was told if a Carter county Court didn't want me to date they didn't have to fill out called Boston prison I want to tell you what I did to my family I was treated look of dog in my Carter county Court his mother said no fussing it's your child's brain they needed to fuss they need to put my cousin in a corner and and let me stand up and tell what he did they need to tell call Mr Bill Coates and his family but live on French until then exactly what the problems was in the Carter county that are cousin it was stuck in this weekend and one in Porter county Court to put us away he will find he will never make a remark hell he feared what I might go back and say he needs to stand stood up to my uncle and said I fear what kind of stunt your son will pull and take them to the Carter county Court people need to stand up people need to say are you proud of yourself causing the death of two people I wonder if there's that much money in making a quote for Easter state I'm wondering nobody should have to put up with anybody accusing them of everything under the sun I have put up with it till I cannot put up with it I want people to know how roofer will took my land away and we worked hard for it you know what the reason doesn't want me having driver's license he doesn't want me to obtain a better life that's the reason he let him lie he didn't want me to get an education everybody needs to know what what happened at 3:41 River Lane Grayson Kentucky Heather's corruption between the mental health and and the court system to put people with that house was a barn because the people in Grayson Kentucky would not allow me to obtain a better life people needs to call my cousin and we all know how you love people screamed out their car windows about the damn life but with Bay like a loaded gun going to deserve for you and call a liar I don't think nobody would no one would and would they like to go to pathways Incorporated and they're not tell it they're not turn it into the police which state were man dated and made every excuse up not to turn it in that's the way I was done by my Carter family court and smart enough to shut up you know who she's talking about but with anybody like a gun pointed to their head it came out July 3rd 2019 everybody came to his rescue but not one person came to our rescue and we were killing the glory of his name the reason people didn't come to our rescue they wanted to help ruin our name I was told that people had gotten together to do one girl and I didn't know that Carter county was his class they need to get together and do our cousin and the way he was acting and the way he was treating you need to stand up to our cousin and say everything I've often prayed to Jesus Christ that Carter county court and the Carver county people be haunted with a ghost truck and it had a movie playing at the exactly how Brian tried to kill my poor Dead brother on their farm on Stephenson Hall I was told how I wasn't allowed to have by my Carter county Court should I have been told by my Carter killings hell I wasn't allowed to have you know why I was seeing nothing in the hospital because pathways wouldn't help me get a job it wasn't handed down you know what it need to be handed they wanted to monitor me and monitor my family's health to make sure they got people groomed I was told by a man who worked at pathways that they were told not not the push some people that means a job or even turn stuff into the police because I've got to make a quote for Eastern State nobody needed help my cousins my cousin not even the county attorney I have been told we all know how you don't know how to tell the truth the truth nodding you that's what they need to tell my cousin we all know how you lie and don't know how to tell the truth I was told to see things that hurt people the glory of his name is he said things hurt my family and did things I was doing rotations for a CNA and it was brought up that somebody had that one of the nurses had worked with my cousin well and she told her told everybody haha terroristically threatened my cousin you know what everybody needs to say man's back Incorporated we all know how you terroristically threatened your cousins with loaded guns and mostly accused of love everybody needs to know what he did I'll often pray to Jesus Christ that means back will be haunted with a ghost trucking appearing just to show people what he did to my dead brother. Flickr | Discussion Forum Board of Harlan County Harlan County Kentucky, US. Barbourville Topix/Craigslist replacement Re: How much does a Pet friendly Taxi or a Pet friendly Uber cost to go maybe about 40 milesNo one wants lice in their car either lady. Guess meth will do that to ya. Congratulations, Guys! Plus there's no upcoming auctions. Is there any paperwork that shows the Whitley county court signed off stating East Cumberland Gap Parkway is in their Jurisdiction because they have ISIS ATF and ISIS DEA lie try to seize all the Good Christian Sheriff's hard earned earned property so the good sheriffs shoot only at ISIS DEA AND ISIS ATF because the ISIS Senator wants to give his shi# to an underaged leprechaun fuc##er Discussion Forum Board of Loyall Harlan County Kentucky, US. County. Murderpedia. Pathways is not turning it so they can make quote. they put their hands on their victims and think no one ever sees. What day you??? Yahoo! Well, yeah, that's true for sure. 10-15-84 Paintsville Topix/Craigslist replacement Re: Who are the 4 office workers studding tis site? Skees followed the decision by storming out of the courtroom, removing his constable uniform and leaving it in the courthouse, later threatening the county with a lawsuit. I'm originally from Harlan, Ky, but I got the hell out of there when I was 19 years old. I'm sure the Sheriff"s secretary is probably more busty than his wife and that's why he's having an affair with her. I have absolutely no clue who you are and don't ever cafe to thanks! 11. Anyone know how I can get in touch with her? Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement Re: Are you needing private investigating done? Burkesville Topix/Craigslist replacement Re: Quarantine in BvilleWow! Is that true?? its boring just like Harlan is!! Website. Crappers was up & coming stars of the RAP IS CRAP group have been missing for 10 days, well maybe 11 now. It doesn't matter how much you loved and protected these children, they will turn on you. .. Henderson Topix/Craigslist replacement Re: Anyone know were tofind david summitt Since mom's been dead for over 20 years I bet that was interesting. currently I think you are only totally right that Senators have the Secret Service around them. A Kentucky woman whose mine-worker husband is nearly killed in a cave-in, and whose father is slowly dying of black lung disease, joins the picket lines for a long, violent strike. Barbourville Topix/Craigslist replacement Are there camera clubs or photography clubs for Barbourville KY Calenders or whatever I'm from Florida and once we lost a pet, the pet is a rare exotic animal. Discussion forums related to Harlan County. Barbourville Topix/Craigslist replacement Re: Brent ledford KARMA Plus they call them self the Shark group because of the TV show Wallins Creek KY Community Forum. They just tolerate you when they see you coming because they don't want trouble from you. In Harlan County, there were 0 newly reported COVID-19 cases and 0 newly reported COVID-19 deaths on Feb 05, 2023. Paintsville Topix/Craigslist replacement Re: Who are the 4 office workers studding tis site? Harlan County is home to Kentucky's highest, fastest, and longest zip line! Did he finally get what he deserves 2 day n court, I like to eat pussy i would like to lick and stick 5 women or young ladies over a period of 4 or more hours, Me. You tell a lot of bs, I was there also. CORBIN (22-7) Carter Stewart 2-6 6-7 11, Hayden Llewellyn 2-8 2-3 6, Zander Curry 4-8 0-0 9, Trey Worley 2-3 0-0 4, Brody Wells 4-6 0-0 8, Marc Warren 0-2 0-0 0, Eli Pietrowski 6-10 7-11 20, Kade Elam 1-3 1-1 3, Connor Middleton 0-0 0-0 0. If judge will hold this lower class let one lie and make them sell their home and gloryland and they can play guilty make them go to pathways for 2 years what else would he do to put somebody in an institution he would do almost anything people need to call and say you know what their brain is for just as good as yours why'd you let him know to take their life and take their living away he called me alarm in court because he wanted to kill me I do process of the law judge and judge Davidson knocking me out of everything I wanted my father took me to my cousin's house and he said you go get a warrant on her and begged him and pleaded him with him before he died in the fall and he said please and he said that'll knock her out of everything she wants I know her like a book and she wants to date Marion have and you go do this and he'll knock her out of everything she wants in life but it wouldn't help his kids but him away for pointing guns to their head our grandmother would say it's just generous the way yeah to plum crazy we were plumb crazy because we're standing up and not taking the balloon no more his mom says we don't put up with b*** Mar family and then his mom said how's your mother doing in all this you know what they need to do they need to put her in her corner and saying look people don't like a gun pointed to their heads I need to put his wife and a corner and say people don't like and they don't like being cold a lot she got on the phone said do you realize this is perfect no they committed perjury to put me away I went to Gary Cohn and he said no criminal problems criminal problems in the Carter county Court try to put me away I'm going to spread it everywhere I go the way I was treated in the Carter county Court I wanted everywhere I don't want this Injustice to hinder prosecution go on no longer my brothers runs war just as good as anybody else's I don't know if we put the I don't know where he put the gun to his head didn't help cause the cyst and cause some sort of MRSA and cause my brother's brain tumor I have often prayed to the Jesus Christ the Lord that Smithfield would be haunted with a truck that had a movie on it of how he acted how my cousin had my poor little dead brother on the farm and showed exactly how he acted and everybody in Grayson Kentucky would be turned against him and won them out of the town instead of people wanting me because of Centralia they would be running for my cousin the stuff that he pulled and lost accused me up whoops I can't have nothing to do with you I fear what kind of stuff you'll pull on me take me to the Carter county Court call Miller his remarks are paybacks as hell if he does something to you and you tell on them people's going to say you don't tell nobody payback says hell they're tired of them run over people they're tired of the line on people and people need to call judge and say why won't you do something to him you said in court you believe the girl you can't put the girl away for telling a bunch of dirty lies but the girl can sue the Carter county court for all the years that you made her do with that making a living girl was told how how how communist Carter county Court West if we don't want you to date we don't have to they're using mental health as a scheme to to knock people out of their life and run over and as a way of asking to make a quote for Eastern make sure they're groom for Eastern I was threatened by a therapist if we don't want you to date we will put you away from me down she said I'll have the law come to your home and put you in people in Grayson Kentucky need to rally behind me and say this kind of abuse should not go on to make a quota for Easter the guy one boy a job in the kitchen at pathways I got promised the job only at only at the end they never would help me and my family got this to make the quote for Eastern State I don't know why people I don't know why pathways is doing this but they're making a quota for Eastern State and judge will win judge Stevens letting people lie to make a quote to win their name their background and who they are to make a quote so they can't get a job so so they got a mind up and groom for Eastern men are awesome prison that up because they're saying they're handing it down and not allowed to bury people need to say what you like this this communist way my grandmother was allowed to get on the phone and even violate my HIPAA rights and tell a bunch of lies and she said I never did like and I don't care what happens to you people need to call Mr Bill Coons and tell him would you like being called a liar and somebody threatened to shoot you in the head and you know what I need to be told her mom need to raise htwo the woman at the king Stars medical center smarter her mom put her up to but you know what the moment at King's daughter Teresa Hillman had such a temper she wouldn't like somebody putting a gun to her head want to eat a Napier and Grayson Kentucky who's coordinator of King's daughters would like a gun pointed to their head my brother didn't even want to go to the there needs to be a stop to this line in the Carter county Court to take people's privileges away and line them up for a grandpa they need to call Mr will will wouldn't say there needs to be changes made to the guardianship and that's still needs to be allowed to enter in a contract or relationship and drive to sustain a better life you all don't want because you want to make a quote for eastern states with awarded the state she will never be threatened with going to an institution or group home the way her cousin acted and if and you need to help her get it overturned since her cousin doesn't know how to tell the truth and the truth not even not to take the blunt and anyone who says it's her nerves she doesn't know how to tell the truth the truth is not in her the way she acts while tales plum crazy it's her mom the way she acts and it's her nerves Bible to say anything they're going to be in court for making ball statements to false in prison my uncle made remark that I picked on my cousin and I went on with Mama I had been trying since not to 99 to have him rap on me by The Carter county Court I got worked on a minute and I got my living taken away cuz pack ways did not do their job I want to spread all over the prostate area and it came out on July 3rd 2019 that's how good will win the Carter county Court scheme to put people with their going to break you and not taking it twice it's going to be how I don't know I don't have a family and I've got to be born into the point wasted Carter county Court wouldn't even give me my title to the devil wide for 15 years to force the sale of the home because they wanted us because we were such a liar trying to get something done Justice for how my cousin acted they were trying to force the salad people need to call the county attorney the holder a title I needed I could I honestly might have needed that title for something and wasn't allowed they were trying to force to sell them I feel that they need to replace my home since they held the double wide title up for 15 years and everybody needs to get behind me and Riley behind me the only way I got the title is the realtor said they got it at the clerk's office that is no way to treat people just just to force them out of a home but they purchased with their money we're all going to talk about how my cousin don't know how to tell the glory of the Lord people needs to call him and say her mother need to do whatever it took everybody it's Smithfield needs to turn against him and said we don't like people who lie lie and are this despicable me and no good and a horrible nasty person people made me out to be a r a horrible nasty person look who really was a horrible nasty person my cousin who lives on Stinson Haller everybody came to his rescue but no one needed no one everybody needs to call his brother and say are you this is what your brother calls we've got no use for people who lie in the Carter county it's not how they need to call his brother and say it's not how you will how you all were treated by those people like you told her around it's exactly how how the girl said it happened and you all lied and everybody is against you all because the way you let him lie you wouldn't even let that girl make a living her brother had to go work her his fine Days couldn't even walk over the threshold but but she couldn't get a job because people didn't want her to have didn't want her to have but we don't want it I wanted my home I wanted my living don't want it don't have to allow it that's what I was told by my public defender it had been handed down I got no legal bus I want to know why it was handed down because my cousin had something to hide my glory of the Lord how he acted and I wonder me but put me away people needs to band together and tell my cousin without no use for anybody that get their cousin out here and threaten to shoot them in the head everything you said about that girl judge will what needs to offer my job get pathways does and I took my brother to King's daughters medical center and Smithfield's got the records how many times I take it took him to the hospital you know what I looked at the doctor and I said it is a brain tumor she said no I walked out of the exam room with a tail between my legs I feel the King's daughters needs to offer me a job for nothing and it ended up me taking him to the hospital for a brain tumor on December 4th 2018 on his deathbed I want people to know how we were treated it probably wasn't handed down for the kid to get any medical treatment it wasn't handed down I want to know why it was done for us to have and your bite is decision and I told judge will when it didn't make good decisions because I'm standing up for Hammer cousin acted how my cousin and demanding something done people need to call Bob Miller and say would you like a gun pointed to your head and call the law and told it was your nerves he did that cuz he wanted to hurt my mother now her ass has been made out of Carter county Court when they said I believe you I can sue the Carter county court for falsely in prison in me they need to public apologize to me and never believe a word my cousin said and his birthday I didn't know you threatened you both are kids in the head and especially her brother no wonder they got some made people put their families away and knock them out of their home people I need to run our cousin by the head of the hair and they need to ask pathways to do their job my mother said even the car that I had purchased that they would make me sell it they made me feel every car I had and and make me walk my mom wanted me to keep some of the furniture I got little cars poked in my face that's all I was treated by the Mr will will hoop everybody said I deserve to lose everything I had to mean stencil no I didn't pull no means myI was treated like a dog by the Carter county court because I wanted Justice I had to leave in poverty and disparity because I wanted Justice people need to get it spread but if there's a pet in the Carter county Court they won't do anything but the judge and the county make some living poverty and disparity and then if the family dies they throw it up to him and use it against them to make the what they do they make them play guilty and say it's bizarre tales and then for family dies they make them they throw it up and threaten them that way and make them feel their property that's what they're doing in the Carter county Court they're forcing the sales of people home they're saying look she's got a reputation telling us and we'll make a war to the state ever and make your salad Mr will not be allowed in our town no more they're going to start standing up not a liar with anybody like a loaded gun pointed to their head and called a law a law it's your brain people in Smithfield needs to ride behind me and say he did one of our employees that would work against them and I need to spread it to everybody in the prostate area what he done and they need to we don't believe a word you got to say her mom need to write as many letters as it took to put you away what you did to them they need to call Mr Wilson Mr Rupert and say her mom need to do whatever it to rise many liters as it took to put them on they need to call Bob Miller need to do whatever it took to put them away and you lied to her mother and said you do everything you could help them you get everything you could and nobody's going to do anything against me I was told in the Carter county court I went for a simple will about my father the motioned me up and come up here and told me how I got no special needed it everybody needs to tell the Carter county Court I'll get special treatment my cousin and his family gets no special treatment my name on sick why did you lower that is just your nerves I got tired of everything being minors I got tired of my feelings being hurt that's what's wrong with me people has hurt my feelings for years they need to call Mr will will win and say are you proud of yourself making one making one seller home and putting her on the street making her so all over belongings to make a quote eastern state would you like a loaded gun pointed to your head and threatened about being made a warrior to say given no legal advice handed down by the Carter county court and you're dumb brother miss the case up on July 3rd when judge will be said I believe you that meant my cousin did it and Carter county court has no recourse that ever try to put me away you want nobody likes a loaded gun pointed her head judge Rupert will point one to put me away you know what they need to say they need to tell him all the ugly things a girl was saying were the truth too and they were gifts to try to try to help the case and try to help build a case of put him away we're in needs to be he didn't need to raise no children he need to raise him in the middle institution poverty and disparity and I'd like him and coach people wanting me out of Grayson Kentucky because it was known as such a liar the one that they need to avoid is my cousin permanently that's all it took to get the cat closer I didn't feed the dogs because I feared what she might go back and say people made of life and stuff out of me the laugh and stuff needs to be made out of my cousin they need to say we know exactly what he did to those people and it will not be tolerated no more I don't appreciate people lying I was told I couldn't say these ugly things I can say it because he did it and when the Carter county Court wouldn't allow me no no little bus they violated my constitutional rights they wouldn't let me prove how he acted I want to use it against me that I was a psychopathic cooler and get no any better to put me away from me for Eastern State they use lies at my father had told my mom and transcribe memory of what my dad told my mother because of Carter county Court wouldn't do much to my mom only put her in a group home only put her I did I call Miller cuz he knew how to hurt my mom not me out of my life not me out of my living and not me out of America and I feel that people needs to rally behind me and say judge will point there is going to be changes major her criminal background that you have to overturn because you allowed him to lie and you admitted it on July 3rd 2019 when you said I believe you're going to overturn it and you're going to send him a letter and say I've got to overturn because the petitioner of the warrant didn't know how to tell the truth and you're going to make people need to say you're going to make changes to the guardianship the only reason you want her to have a garden is it to control her a lot and make sure that she never gets married never dates and she's going to be allowed if you don't like it you couldn't keep it and she's going to be allowed to drive if you don't want her to drive you can pay for a chauffeur there's going to be changes in Carter county it ain't going to be your pets it's killed my family and now the longest over this month is over the words are thy shall not lie and if we ever find that you riding anyway what will do to you well it was found out on July 3rd and they will not even issue I want on perjury anybody got up on perjury in Carter county well you won't do nothing so and it was proven in Carter county Court I feel those convictions need to be over Becky Phillips told me when she was a lawyer that that the state teaches him how to lie to get a conviction and this should not be allowed the county attorneys teach them how to lie and said we know that they like their line but there's nothing we can do about it well we all know that he lied in the Carter county court and there's going to be something we do about it, Grayson Topix/Craigslist replacement Re: Sleaziest man in GraysonPeople need to get judged Rupert Wilfred out of the Carter county Court system he is allowing his pets to lie to put people at Eastern State to make a quota he someone in that courthouse is handing it down that the people get no legal advice he is allowing his pets to do whatever they want the people to make a quote Eastern State he's allowing his pets to threaten to shoot people and then it's bizarre tales to knock them out of her life lovelyhood married life and steal their property he's allowing people to false accuse everything's peoples nerves to put them away at Eastern State there is corruption in the Carter county Court put some people away the clerks in the office and offices are even telling them no special treatment through allowing them to lie every way to steal their property and and use it for Eastern State pathways ain't even turned abuse case in to make a quota I was told that they are told not to push some people and that means not turning in if they come to them with abuse to make a quote Eastern judge wilwood is allowing his face to bring their name character and their background to keep them from a job so he can line them up and groom for Eastern State he knows if he's got any common sense nobody would lie about someone threatening them with a loaded gun it's to make a quote for Eastern State.

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