This gamewas created by Kodiqi and released on June 20, 2019. MTgzNixJbmZpbml0eSxJbmZpbml0eSwyMTcsMCwxNjUyNTgsMTY1MjU4LDgxMTMyLDUsMSwxLDEsMSwwLDQzNTk1Ljc4LDQ2ODE1MTM5LDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMTkzODc1Njg1MCwxOTM4NzU2ODUwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwxMDAwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsNSwyNTUsMCwzMywwLDEwLDksMTY0LDQsOTUsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDEsMCwwLDAsMSwxLDEsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDEsMSwxLDEsMCwxLDEsMSwxLDAsMSwxLDEsMSwwLDEsMSwxLDEsMCwxLDEsMSwxLDAsMSwxLDEsMSwwLEluZmluaXR5LDAsMCwwLDEsSW5maW5pdHksMSwwLDAs, 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, MjA5LDQyMTcwNTcwMywzMTY0LDE2LDIwLDE5OTA1LDExMzE0OTAwLDU1MjI2MDUsNSw3NzksMiwwLDAsMCw0NDEzOC41NSw1OCwyMzgxNDUxLDU2MDk0OTEsMCwzNzUyNDQ1NDc3MDI5LjAwLDAsODQyODI0NTk3NDY2Ny4wMCw1NTIwLDIwMTY4MjU2OTM4MzE5LjAwLDAsMTQ2MTA1NTcxNzkxMDkuMDAsMCwxMDE4NjIzMTA2Ny4wMCwzMywwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsOSwyNSwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDEwLDgsMTEsNCwxNSwxLDEsMSwxLDEsMSwxLDEsMSwxLDEsMSwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMSwxLDEsMSwwLDEsMSwxLDEsMCwxLDEsMSwxLDAsMSwxLDEsMCwwLDEsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMjU3MDYyMCwwLDAsMiw1MywwLDAsMSwwLA==, 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, MjYwNDY0LDFlKzMwMixJbmZpbml0eSw0MDE4NywwLDE1MjY0NTkzLDE1MjY0NTkzLDc2, 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, 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. Idle games are popular, free, and there are plenty at CrazyGames. While you may want more Idle Breakout codes, it seems fairly unlikely that any more will land any time soon. In this game, you will have different balls of different strengths, speeds, and special abilities. The game has been out for a long time and isn't constantly supported, so there's a good chance no more are on the way. Our unblocked games are always free on google site. NOTE: Before using a code, save your game if you want to continue playing later from that stage. Playing this game is quite easy. Copy the Cheat code and paste it into the box (Explained above). Best City building games for android & iOS. Continue with Recommended Cookies. This is due to the developers making them unavailable for Idle Breakout; however, there are no expired codes to report on as of writing. You get up to 0/50 balls to start the game. A Python repl by hellojello. 2. Even though cheat codes amplify the games progress, you still need a good strategy for late rounds. having an issue. They saved them for us to use so we can instantly get to the exciting parts of the game and skip all the tedious early grinding. New Idle Breakout codes (February 2023) Idle Breakout codes aren't the most user-friendly to use. Hello friends, Are you looking for Idle Breakout Hack Generator Tool? Here is the code: 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 For other pinball-style games similar to Idle Breakout, you can check out. Idle Dice is on a long list of Idle Games that we have here on Coolmath. Contribute to Xsus0/idlebreakouthack development by creating an account on GitHub. Thats what this code is going to provide you. The answers about when to reset vary based on your current levels of bonuses. i h8 the cheats in this i swear if i see another 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, please update game I want more boss, I want more ball, I want more, please update the game please. whateverppl / gist:51d8adeede6a38e440e5. 8224.7K Cheat . Numbered bricks that indicate the number of hits needed to destroy them. To do this, head over to the games settings and click on thewipeoutdata option. A Pocket Sundial From a Broken Pocket Watch! If yes, then you are on the right page.Our team has developed a Idle Breakout Gold Generator Tool which generates Idle Breakout Cheats unlimited free Gold.idle breakout hack,idle breakout cheats,idle breakout gold generator,idle breakout free gold,idle breakout unlimited gold,idle breakout gold free,idle breakout hack gold . Simply sit, relax and watch your levels grow. How to wipe out cheat codes from the Idle breakout? Hack! Not alot of money but alot of bb and balls level of 2367. But watching them can be a calming, meditative experience if youre looking for relaxation. Cool play Idle Breakout unblocked games 66 easy at school We have added only the best unblocked games for school 66 EZ to the site. All upgrades add money. However, if you use the website, the performance might be impacted due to server outages or technical issues. MzgxLEluZmluaXR5LDkuOTc2OTIyNTY3NTQxMzc2ZSsyMSw0MSwwLDM3MjcxLDM3MjcxLDY5OTQsMCwzNiwxMSwxLDEsMCw0MzU5NS43OCwzNzM1NDk0MiwxNTkzOTYwNzU5NjMuMDAsMTU5Mzk2MDc1OTYzLjAwLDAsMCwwLDAsNzAwMjM4MzcsNzAwMjM4MzcsMCwwLDAsMCwxNzgsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDksMTUsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwxMCw5LDYyLDQsOTUsMSwwLDAsMSwwLDAsMSwwLDAsMSwxLDEsMSwxLDEsMSwxLDEsMSwxLDEsMCwxLDEsMSwxLDAsMSwxLDEsMSwwLDEsMSwxLDEsMCwxLDEsMSwxLDAsMSwxLDEsMSwwLDFlKzEzMSwwLDAsMTYsMjAsMWUrMTMxLDAsMCwxLA==. To Import/Export your save go to the Settings icon to the right of your money then click Export/Import. How to Check if Samsung Phone is Network Locked? Use this code to get Infinite money and Gold. Choices Explained, Hades 2 Release Date, Early Access Launch, Gameplay Features & More, Star Wars Eclipse: Release Date Speculation, Gameplay, Story, News, Leaks & More, Armored Core 6: Release Date Window, News, Gameplay Updates & More, Destiny 2 The Final Shape: Release Date News, Story and Everything We Know So Far, Avatar Generations Heroes Tier List, Reroll Guide (2023), COD Mobile Season 2 (2023) Meta Weapon Tier List: Best Guns, Diablo 3 Tier List: Best Solo Builds in Season 28, Diablo 2 Tier List: Best Builds for Start of Ladder Season 3, NjEwMywxOTI3ODAzMzk2MTEuNDcsMzA5LDg2NCwyNSw1ODA0MTksNjA4OTk. Follow the steps given below to use idle breakout codes: Step 1: Copy the code which you want to use. Beat 200 Levels. Hold the SHIFT button and click to dismantle items that you don't want. We've got Shindo Life codes and Project Slayers codes for two of the most popular anime games out there, and extra Pet Simulator X codes to boot. Paste the code into that box and press . However, after applying the code, there will not be any need to upgrade anything. idle breakout hack - Replit. An Idle Breakout cheat code using which you'll be able to break 1 million bricks instantly. This is the perfect code to try out new techniques and strategies for upgrades and purchasing balls to see which ones clear levels the fastest. Use this hack to have them already upgraded so you can really see which ones perform the best! Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. We have the latest codes other similar idle games like Idle Heroes, Idle Heroes of Light, and Idle Champions. As you can see, cheat codes for Idle Breakout work differently than many other game cheats, especially for mobile games. A lot of users have been asking for Idle Breakout hack and codes in community forums and if you are one of them, then this blog post is definitely for you as we have compiled all the best idle breakout Codes for you. To start playing, press SPACE or the play button in the WAVE panel. Click here to be taken to a random hacked game, All display advertising on is managed by Playwire. Question (On mobile), snipers should have a one block splash damage because of how physics works with bullets, u got a point plus the speed should be a block splash upgrade every little while-, then again there arent really any physics in this. November 2018 . Using the Idle Breakout hack and cheat codes you can get unlimited money to buy upgraded balls to break bricks. In the next step, copy and paste your code inside the black box, and tap ok. Download the app from the Playstore and launch it. A new arcade game Idle Breakout is becoming popular; here are the redeem codes for free in-game items. Follow the steps given below to use idle breakout codes: Step 1: Copy the code which you want to use. Or, when you get bored of the Idle Breakout, you can use Idle Breakout import codes that automatically grant you maximum money, upgrades, or balls. P L E A S E (please update this great game), Just a fun little file (level 100000, inf gold, more money and BB then can be used and enough skill points for all skills). Have a good time. Turn your sound off for this one. Using the hack code you can get the most fun out of this web browser game. From there, you can either choose to click more, or let the balls you purchase do most of the work. Unless youre a game frenzy who loves to play each level and can wait for days and even months to reach higher levels, cheat codes wont excite you a lot. The best part of using codes is that you no longer need to purchase anything; you get everything unlocked with a single code. Tip Using an Auto Mouse clicker is handy if you are not using cheat codes. As you progress in the game the bricks become thicker and thats where you need Idle Breakout hacks & tricks.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'cputemper_com-box-3','ezslot_3',129,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-cputemper_com-box-3-0'); Using the Idle Breakout hack and cheat codes you can get unlimited money to buy upgraded balls to break bricks. Are you confident to take the final victory? It's pretty good. Dangerous Ride is one of the most thrilling new hypercasual games in 3D. You can buy those balls in the store and use them to break the colorful bricks to earn money. Step 3: Click on export and copy the code it generates and paste it into your notepad and save it. Idle Breakout Hack: Infinite Money. You can try the Android version here -Google Play. Ever wanted to hack Idle Breakout? The Poison Ball is the last ball that you will unlock. 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. As an idle game that doesnt require much effort on the players part, Idle Breakout can get a bit boring for those players who are looking for an interactive game. Every ball has a different name and color, with different power and speed. Now click on the downloaded Idle World file to install it and wait for the installation to complete. CTRL+C DOES NOT WORK FOR COPYING CODE INSIDE OF BRACKETS!!! (Hourly Updated). IcemasterEric. Copy the export code and paste thee code somewhere. Cashed Upis one of the powerUps that earns double the money for 30 seconds duration. Here are the steps to redeem the codes. The faster a ball rolls, the sooner you can complete a level. !CTRL+C Is the command in python to kill the application, so CTRL+C will kill the app! Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters. (probably with the external website) To get your idle dice game codes, go to settings and click export. Just copy the code and paste it into the import section on your mobile app. Reply. Made for Replit's Machine Learning Hackathon! Go to idle breakout again, and click the settings button (looks like little gear in top right corner of screen) now, press the import button. Idle Breakout involves a surprising amount of strategy considering that it is a passive game that requires little effort from the participants. You can earn gold by breaking off the Goldbrick and defeating the boss. Go to Idle Breakout again, and click the settings button (looks like little gear in top right corner of screen) Now, press the import button. Then you just paste it in the game.If you want a sample code, use the one found here: and paste it into Idle Breakout and try it yourself! If were correct, thats where this game revolves around. Some feedback and suggestions: Difficulty curve is not steep enough - after a few prestiges you can just leave the game idling to level 10k. GTA 5 Cheats Codes: List of All Grand Theft Auto 5 Cheat Codes For PC/PS4/Xbox. Even if all 5 of them in the menu are used, they can still be activated by a "clickable power up" that spawns in levels randomly. You can PAUSE the spawning by clicking the PAUSE button or by pressing SPACE again. Idle breakout is a great game to kill boredom and is very popular among youth. Your hero automatically attacks monsters and collects their loot. they were sussy plus i dont want to take up space on here. Developer. Your mission is to control Rope Man by sliding the screen and collecting as many strands as possible on the track. Idle Breakout Cheat Codes (September 2022) With the help of Idle Breakout working cheat codes, you can import save files with cheats and hacks that will make the gameplay easier by unlocking items . Besides the balls, you can also buy power-ups that only last for a certain duration. Step 5: Import Code to Idle Breakout. No money is needed to use a PowerUp, but you can only use one powerup at a time, and you cannot use it before reaching certain bricks. Best idle games for iOS & android you'd love to play. Once you double tap on the action button, youll lose your progress, which means youll have to start from scratch. follow the steps given below to save your progress in Idle breakout: Step 2: Go to settings in the top right corner. In this simple tutorial, you can get tons of money, balls, and gold! I Came to level 50 and i placed only The ender so i cudnt place any more stuff and i leveled up to level 744 and even that it was so damn hard!!! Snow Ball: Get power and speed with every bounce. Thats there to it. This code will upgrade all 6 balls to the max making it more powerful to cross every level easily. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. But upgrading balls and tapping constantly are quite denting and time-consuming tasks that you may not like. Here are all the cheats of Idle Breakout. Apart from the infinite gold, this script unlocks maximum numbers of balls, above 700,000 levels, skills points, and pretty much everything. We'll now answer some questions that you might have . MTgzNixJbmZpbml0eSxJbmZpbml0eSwyMTcsMCwxNjUyNTgsMTY1MjU4LDgxMTMyLDUsMSwxLDEsMSwwLDQzNTk1Ljc4LDQ2ODE1MTM5LDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMTkzODc1Njg1MCwxOTM4NzU2ODUwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwxMDAwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsNSwyNTUsMCwzMywwLDEwLDksMTY0LDQsOTUsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDEsMCwwLDAsMSwxLDEsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDEsMSwxLDEsMCwxLDEsMSwxLDAsMSwxLDEsMSwwLDEsMSwxLDEsMCwxLDEsMSwxLDAsMSwxLDEsMSwwLEluZmluaXR5LDAsMCwwLDEsSW5maW5pdHksMSwwLDAs. Please stay for the many other incredible games that will come after this one. I also do a bit of coding in VB.NET, JS, HTML, Python, C++, C, Batch Script. 4 months ago. So, you need all the money to boost your balls and intensify the game. Overall, it works and scores whether you play or not. Click Frenzy: Click to spawn scatter balls or do x10 damage. Subscribe for more cheat codes! Source: Weve rounded up all the demanded Idle Breakout Cheat codes. If the player clicks at the right time, then they can get the power up that they want. 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. If you're interested in finding any other Idle Games that are similar to Idle . Each progressive upgrade will cost more. As an idle game that doesnt require much effort on the players part, Idle Breakout can get a bit boring for those players who are looking for an interactive game. my progress: NDEyLDc5MDg0MCw2LDQxLDQsMzk3MjUsODIxNzcsOTg2MCwyLDQ4OTYsNCwxLDEsMSw0NDk2My43NSw0NTEsMTMyOTg5OCwxNzQ0NDE0LDUyNDgwNjEsNzAxMDg4NSw5MTQ5NjQ0LDEwOTk0OTUyLDAsNTMwMTMsMTEzMjc0ODMsMTE0NTAwMDcsMCwwLDE3LDE5LDExLDAsMTMsMCwwLDAsMCw5LDE5LDYsMTcsNiwxOSwwLDAsNiwxMSwwLDAsMCwwLDEsMywyLDIsMCwxLDEsMSwxLDAsMSwwLDEsMCwwLDEsMSwwLDEsMCwxLDAsMSwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMSwwLDAsMCwwLDEsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCw0ODQwLDAsMCwwLDIsMCwxLDAsMCw=, MywxMDQxNCw3OCwwLDgsMjMwLDY5NTU3MywyNzE1MjYsMCwxMjA5NSw0LDEsMSwwLDQ0OTYwLjY2LDIxMSwwLDE2OTk5ODkyLDAsMTEzNDgxNjIsMCw1OTYxMDcxMzg4LjAwLDAsMTA4MTkyMDAyMCwwLDIyMDEyMzAxMzAuMDAsMCw1OTA3NDEyMjEsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsNyw0LDYsNCw1LDEsMSwxLDEsMSwxLDEsMSwxLDEsMSwxLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDEsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMSwxLDEsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDEwLDIsMSwwLDAs, NzMsMTg0NzMsMCwzLDAsNjkwNCw2OTA0LDAsMywyMTM3LDEwLDEsMSwxLDQ0OTUyLjgyLDk5OTk5OSwyMjYzOCwyMjYzOCwxODUzMCwxODUzMCwxOTA1MjYsMTkwNTI2LDEyMzQ1LDEyMzQ1LDAsMCwwLDAsOCw3LDEwLDIsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDYsMiwwLDAsNCw0LDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwxNiwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMSwwLDEsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMSwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMSwwLDEsMCwxLA==, lvl 3,209 MzIwOSwyOTkxNjA4MjA4MC4wMCxJbmZpbml0eSw0MjksMSwzMDUwOTMsMTMyMzkwNjAsNjY3MjI5OCw0LDUwNCw4LDAsMCwwLDQ0OTQ2LjgyLDQyLDAsMTE5NDk5NTAxMzk1OTg0LjAwLDI1MjgxODIzOTAuMDAsOTUyNzc3OTE2NDgwNzExLjAwLDg0ODQwMzg0MjYuMDAsMzY1NDU2ODE1NjU5MjY5MTIwLjAwLDE1NTAxNjQ3OCw3MTM5OTUwOTA5NDA2Ny4wMCw1NTg2Nzc2MjIwLjAwLDM5ODMyOTU1NTQ5MTAwNzQ4OC4wMCwzMjY2MzI4NTEzLjAwLDEzMDkwMjM1NDA1MjQ0LjAwLDAsNTYsNTEsNDUsMzgsNDQsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDYsMCw2LDAsOCwwLDYsMCw1LDAsMCwwLDAsMTAsOSw5OTksNCw5NSwxLDEsMSwxLDEsMSwxLDAsMSwxLDEsMSwxLDAsMCwwLDAsMSwxLDEsMSwwLDEsMSwxLDEsMCwxLDEsMSwxLDAsMSwxLDEsMSwwLDEsMSwxLDEsMCwxLDEsMSwxLDAsSW5maW5pdHksMCwzLDg3LDEzOCxJbmZpbml0eSwwLDAsMCw=.

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