Now just like me I probably will not buy a microsoft VR device. And no Surface Phone. I'm actually considering holding my nose and going to Apple in the hope of finding some systemic consistency. I feel angry and betrayed for ever having stuck up for Windows Phone against the people around me with iPhones and Android phones. I was all in on Microsoft's services and hardware, by not providing me a mobile option they have lost me as a user. The fact that Google did and Microsoft didn't is, well, rather sad in my view. MS wake up!!! I mean seriously how hard would it have been for them to fork Android into a WP like looking OS. But so is the future. HoloLens? I think MS should learn from google and apple. I will say I diddefend the guy from time to time but now, after buying into the hardware and software game from Microsoft and then finding out later, they scrap it anyways. Just how much will Satya Nadella get paid? I will watch and see! Strengths are the Nadella Satya capabilities and resources that it can leverage to build a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace. I connect back and forth between my personal SIM and my work / travel SIM without compromising my security. I like the platform because it does what I need it to do. The app-gap seemed to be coming to an end with the acquisition of Xamarin as a magic tool to gain developers attention. It doesn't have to compete against companies that make a lot of gadgets. How will Microsoft stay relevant? Can we gate Steve and Bill back in to the office and run MS once more? This so reminds me of when I had my Palm Pre. MS just doesn't get internationalisation, or user needs outside of the US tech bubble. I always changed phone carriers just to get my hands on the latest Windows Phone. Everyone was writing about the death of Windows Phone/Mobile, whilst fans were sticking up for it, and Microsoft simply ignored anything about it. I currently have a 950XL. MIcrosoft should keep W10M alive until it can upstage it to something better. At the end of the day we're supposed youse it, but many features are good in potential but are half baked, or even not accessible in many regions and languages. I fail to see any good outcomes here. But the then take a heavy sweaty dump on not only the last of the loyal customer base, but ALSO the OEMs, proves that Nadella is basically going to be the end of MS as we know it and in a bad way. Then we get them bought by HP. Even as a placeholder? Yea. that'll work. I upgraded the OS to Windows 10 and much of the funcuality starting dropping off because Sony chose not to up date drivers for the systems they deserted. Ask Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, what the most pressing problems are that he is working to solve right now and he will give you two answers. - Changing Technology Landscape Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence boom is transforming the technology landscape that Nadella Satya operates in. Atleast MS will not have to worry about the app gap and the OS can be customized as per MS specific needs. So what if it lost money, it would sell like crazy and introduce another touch paradigm the one where we don't go full screen to full screen, where we have acutual WINDOWS we can snap and move. According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study, this can lead to inability on part of the organization to increase prices that its premium prices deserve. The mobile division was a money pit that was unlikely to turn a profit anytime soon (ifever); Bellifore even said that they had a PAY developers to make WP apps. Another economic slowdown could harm business buying cycles that have been key forMicrosofts growth. But until recently Surface and mobile were separate, meaning my statements about Surface would not apply to the 950 series. Microsoft are fools if they think that they have a future while withdrawing from the consumer market. Microsoft reminds me of IBM. Too late. You know the one you bought so you could integrate your TV and have something way better than the Wii. Because we all perceive and parse thoughts and feelings differently (cognitive processes and any forms of bias). > If you feel that you've constantly let consumers down (which actually you have). I have stayed with Windows phone since the first version came out and now suddenly knowing that MS is abondoning this platform has caused me anguished and lose faith completely in MS. Will get ready to get an android phone (as I am never an apple fan) and also will migrate MS related apps to other platform too. For me it's time to move on. and then, MS release a half baked piece of garbage that they called a smart phone. Abandoning the consumer space is insane. He is simply kissing us out the door that rat, Of course that refreshing the mobile platform so many times damage the Microsoft's image and made it appear as un untrustworthy partner for developers and OEMs. As a company standpoinnt he did the right thing. "Well-being is one of the most important pieces of productivity management 2. So its both WP and Android ? People were hating SO hard on windows 8, but I could see where they are Going with it (in the future) and I was super excited. Please. Strengths and Weaknesses are often restricted to companys internal - resources, skills and limitations. Not only has he failed loyal consumers multiple times, he continues to fail as a CEO in providing a true vision beyond what he wants for himself. If people see the REALLY low cost alternative that gets them in the touch game, with the responsiveness of their smartphone, and a keyboard to flip over when they need it, a little marketing could go a long way for a device such as this. In the countries where it had any market share to talk about it was gaining. In hindsight, I'm convinced it was doomed from the beginning. I've owned Zune/Groove, WinMo 6.x, Lumia 900, 640, Yezz Billy 8, and Now Lumia 950. Now I use a Pixel it doesn't really talk with my PC. The idea Microsoft may have folded now only to bring out something better in future has merit. 8 years? - Increasing Standardization Nadella Satya can leverage this trend to reduce the number of offerings in the market and focus the marketing efforts on only the most successful products. "We have to get past what we describe as 'productivity . Why? - High Margins Nadella Satya charges a premium compare to its competitors. The carriers - at least in America - never supported the OS as they did Apple or Samsung after 7.0 failed to fly. I'm sure if you added all this up, again, like most you, tons of money invested in their products and services. Satya Nadella is an Indian-American business executive who is best known for being the executive chairman and CEO of Microsoft.Before becoming CEO, he served as the executive vice president of the cloud and enterprise group of Microsoft.Satya has been the recipient of honors like the Financial Times' "Person of the Year", Fortune magazine's "Businessperson of the Year", and CNBC . So in hence higher risk, but doing so you stabilise your infrastructure and enable yourself to branch in via the replacement part, if the company is savy and has foresight. Poor integration of Nokias tens of thousands of workers. The thing that frustrates me the most about this is how the company was so secretive about its vision for Windows on phones; or lack thereof. last updated August 12, 2020. All enterprise decision makers are also consumers. So when people use a device that fits their need it will be apple or android and that will affect their options/choices in the enterprise. Still, this remains the dumbest decision that I believe MIcrosoft has made. Only to see that it was all a lie and have it sold to LG. Windows Phones excellent 2013 was capped by a disappointing fourth quarter sales figure of Lumia Windows Phone handsets. Look at Corvette. It's very difficult to tell what is quote, secondary source, or your opinion in these articles. There is was one path forward as I see it. Something we can print from, and something that doesn't suffer from poor performance. So their sole purpose was to select the highest priority ones and focus development on that. 96% of his compensation was performance-based, up from 71%. If the current Windows users can use their MS stuff on either mobile platforms, they will be ok. Microsoft's heart was in the right place. However, I also now have other devices I thought I'd look to MS to full fill. It was more important to shake the long building reputation that MS is a company of startup technology which never gets finished to a point where end users, developers, and OEM partners can achieve a reasonable ROI for their time, and money investments, than to shake the stigma of a slow progressing ecosystem. Clearly Microsoft doesn't see it. Why would you want to piss them off? DO NOT bring back gates. I'm much less up on news now because the lack of live tiles which would update automagically thruout the day. The Nokia acquisition has the potential to bring in some hardware genius and sales that could scale up to 100 million devices a year in fairly short order. Before becoming CEO, he was the executive vice president of Microsoft's cloud and . I was never unhappy with the OS as a whole and I still prefer it to Android. How much would it really cost to provide support for some company to continue W10M on a phone that it could sell at a profit? Obviously this has to be asked and displayed PROMINENTLY. Love their outlook, and onenote but changes needed. Percentages do not tell you the whole story. I hope Nadella has jotted down a note to himself: Do not attempt to re-create Ballmer developers video. Much of the above is completely theoretical. The problem is that Microsoft earn money on servers and support for Windows 10 pc. Frankly, he does not understand the "Consumer Space" AT ALL (at least now he admits it.) Link to the interview please. Recommendations to Nadella. They had huge volume of insiders giving them feedback for free. Groove was shut down (and even though they say they'll refund you 120% of outstanding value they're refusing to honor this with me as I have unused codes that have apparently "expired"- codes are valid though and the T&C's mention nothing about an export date). Bottom line, if you cannot win the war, change the rules of the game so you can define the battlefield yourself. Look inside most of our elementary schools. Nadella should really just spare us all the yap.. Don't mean nothing if you are not backing it up. The problem with the thinking by Nadella and company is that they just assume that MS can abandon a platform and its users and developers, and those people will then just circle in a "holding pattern" until the company announces their Next Big Thing. You know what they say. Like many of you, I've defended this platform relentlessly. Satya Nadella sees a way forward. At this point in history, with cutthroat competition from every side, theres little room for anything resembling dilettantism. I don't blame Nadella as much as I blame Ballmer. I will never trust Microsoft again in the mobile area. Now that Satya Nadella has takenthe reins from Steve Ballmeras CEO of Microsoft, he has just a few more hours before he has to stop the celebrating and getting-to-know-you interviews and get to work. Going . Meanwhile, they failed spectacularly in the biggest markets such as US and China. The market research . Personally, I'd return to Windows mobile if they had a decent offering on Verizon. The high brass at MSFT has to be replaced. Clearly said in one of the articles Mixed Reality or AI makes no sense without mobile device. "In the future, technologies like AI, mixed reality and quantum computing will advance in . Before slinging the "A" word around, try doing some research. After moving to the United States, he completed (1990) a masters degree in computer science at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee and went to work at Sun Microsystems, Inc., as a member of its technology staff. On the immediate, serious side though - without mobile, their hopes for growing the end user - UWP - developer ecosystem is now down to, what - low to middle end Windows "S" devices? hits the nail on the head. If Google made a Google laptop running android with similar interface to Windows. "First, I believe that, at its most powerful, technology can be a force for good in the world," he says. He retrenched Windows Phones exactly when it was gaining momentum with Lumia 930 and Lumia 1520. Microsoft partners earned an estimated $9.58 in revenue through services and software for every $1 that Microsoft generated in 2020a total of $984 billion, according to IDC. We shouldn't actually be in this space to begin with, if you were leading from the front or at the very least reaching out to your consumers and closely hearing what is being said. Silly statement !! Cortana on WP was probably the best virtual assitant, rarely giving me any problems with what I needed. What is he planning to do to correct this? Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset "referred as Nadella Satya in this analysis " is a Harvard Business Review (HBR) case study used for Since taking the top job, he doubled down on artificial intelligence (A), social networking and cloud computing, while pushing the firm to become more collaborative, innovative and customer focused. Now, MS is no longer a inovative company. Contacts (People), email, calendar etc are all tied to MSFT ecosystem and the mobile thread is Windows Phone. Frankly, I don't trust MS any longer. - Managing Regulations and Business Environment Nadella Satya operates in an environment where it faces numerous regulations and government diktats. A fine figure, but one that only points to a third of a billion dollars or so in revenue. It's great for all of us that Satya makes a sad during his Glorious Book Tour through the Clouds and feels sort of bad for leaving everyone in the lurch. Anything you think Ive missed? This includes canceling my 365 subscription and will close my OneDrive account once I transfer everything over. I highly doubt there were only 20 mil users seeing as I personally know loads who has bought into the Windows ecosystem with no input from me or someone like me. Given all of this, it will basically be seen by the public as Yet AnotherWindows Phone. I must confess that we use only Android and iOS phones in our household. I believe so. No such action has been taken so I call BS on MS. I'm shocked how the Surface tablets are doing. As far as reaching out to developers, I was a hobby developer for WP starting with 8,I made a simple application using the built in componentsand methods that Microsoft recommended. Not true. He had cynically deceived loyal fans of W10M. Simply because they never pay. Soooo, back out of mobile which is something that literally people in every corner of the planet use, or need, but jump onto some super-niche, iffy at best crap like VR? What really hurts is that people buy what they know. Figuring out the planto get from clunky licenses to a subscription-based future will be a key challenge for Nadella. Maybe it's not too late. Professionally I have already been seeing a shift away from business even requesting MS products just for that reason and less interest in MS products when I propose them to clients. They simply do not respond to touch. I don't see AR/VR/MR/whateverR becoming much of a universal platform. However my contract expires in the next few months so I shall just keep my options open and see what happens. Even with this entire WM10 debacle we never got a clear statement aside from tweets from Joe, nor did we get any sort of apology for leading consumers on. I just ordered a Pixel 2, created a Google account and will begin to transition over time from Outlook, OneNote, OneDrive & Cortana to all the other Google apps and programs too. Apple sells that many in 6 months, and Apple is #2. The article and lots of the comment said WP fail because lack of dev/app, people must realize W10 also use the same dam UWP. Terrific job Satya Nadella !!! I've never had a any other smart phone but a Microsoft mobile OS. Green mushroom for you windows mobile fanatic. It's tough to grow anything without seeds. So the Surface and tablets can use Android Apps like an Android tablet would do. It feels like Microsoft are deliberatey sabotaging themselves. This is BS and not even an apology. Omissions? Do you need one? He said he saw a world where Personal Interactive Devices (Pcs then), Portable Interactive Devices (a then yet to be made hybrid of mobile phone and PDA), and Social Interactive Devices (TVs then) were only different in the way people interacteed with them. A lack of mobile has meant that it has no "non-tech" information feeding in to change help its narrative. They may bring out a reboot device. - Increasing bargaining power of buyers Over the years the bargaining power of customers of Nadella Satya has increased significantly that is putting downward pressure on prices. On consumer devices, the cost of a license is going to have to drop dramatically. In this (WinPhone) case, hitting refresh is a good thing imo. I wouldn't call it useless. If he really wants to show/repair this divide he has created by constantly abandoning consumers then its time to sit up, stick with the concept of windows phone/mobile, make a cup of coffee and figure it out.. No other way to do it.. A new product will not replace the loyalty and trust lost by throwing out windows phone (just like buying a new cone of ice cream doesn't replace the one that fell.. My bottom line is I wish MS would buy back or pay off what I have left to pay on my 950. Facebook seems to be really putting in the effort with their VR offering. Windows phones were reaching 10% market share in some markets. Whether or not Microsoft want to admit it was their own decision to give up when in fact they had a growing market with thanks to the Nokia team. That works out to 35M discounted (to free) phones. Threats can emerge from various factors such as - technological innovations, economic growth, increase in consumer disposable income, political developments & policy changes, and changes in consumer preferences . Satya Narayana Nadella (Telugu: , / n d l /; born 19 August 1967) is an Indian-American business executive. Regards So the more you sell the more money you throw in. The Universal Windows App system would be a great method for providing that frredom of choice if security is your primary concern then choose less apps and greater security choices. (He works in for Microsoft in Texas). He didn't want to have purchased Nokia and it was his intention to crater the whole enterprise. So I shall party ans rock hard on with my beloved Lumia 950 XL until then at least. American computer scientist and entrepreneur, American software executive and space tourist, South Korean physician, educator, and entrepreneur. I am going with Nokia 8 next year. I understand your frustration but I do not agree to your comment people will not return. A low cost, touch device, similar to the Surface. They dominate in search and Android, maybe IoT, but that is questionable. It's around 500 million now. There are things I found on my 928 8.1 phone that my 950 W10M still cannot do? I'm getting off track), updated features. When I was entrenched in the ecosystem, my phone and my pc worked so well together. According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston , Nadella Satya can use these developments in improving efficiencies, lowering costs, and transforming processes. Microsoft WILL not gain from making their Windows 10 for desktops free as they need that business right now. So market share never took off - regardless of the fact that the UI and overall experience was (and remains) far superior to the hunt-peck-oogle idiom of iPhone (which is like a nursery school toy) and Android (which sucks electrons faster than a Tesla at full speed). In his own words, he needed to change the rules of the game. Trying to spin off either product into separate teams or (shudder) businessesis a recipe for chaos. Instead of building bridges to the future, MIcrosoft has burned many. You may want to try. Go ahead and pull the arm of the compting slot machine and cross your fingers. But it is possible to enforce some sanity in the transition from licensed software tosubscription services. Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella is an example. Yes, it could be a long time before that end, but the end has to start sometime. How they turned their early lead, and the potential for synergy with Nokia into zilch is truly remarkable. They are still abandoning consumers, see Groove Music Pass. :))) Are you smoking something? Running a server in Windows Azure is already effectively Windows Server by subscription. Android simply cannot compete on the core functionality and integration of multiple accounts. It be a hobby you grew out of because u won't have a phone you need to babysit all the time like window mobile 10. Once we turn our backs on Microsoft - no matter how hard that decision is to take - there won't be any going back, unfortunately. The reason we are all consumers of this company's MODERN products is from what Steve pushed. And when there is no mobile for Windows anymore, who needs UWP apps? They should have kept it going until they had something else to offer verus, "whelp we're pulling the plug, go give your money to someone else and we hope you'll like whatever we bring out in the future, IF we decide to bring it out." Im not going to pretend that I have enough insight or experience to tell Satya Nadella how to run Microsoft. Why did users 'go off' the Windows Mobile as a solution? I hate Apple with a passion but even I am starting to think about throwing in the towel on Microsoft. 3. Will Microsoft abandon this thing in a year or two like he did with phones?". So Microsoft is going to fix abandoning consumers doing it again and again and again? Even the camera on the Nokia 6 is really good, maybe a few issues in low light. He has steered the company away from a. Enterprise? Nadella? Have already made the switch and though I miss windows phone, I have to say I'm much happier cause everything works. I look at this like eating at a restaurant that constantly gets your order wrong. Windows 8.x fails to garner significant tablet market share, despite updates. No such device is in the market place. If the Kin would've been a success, things might have turned out differently. It faltered because MS failed to release any new compelling hardware to entice new buyers. except MSFT doesn't care about its own loyal users, with many of them switching to Android now. The Surface Phone has been promised for YEARS! I only use Cortana as a quick launch for application on my PC. It is hard to believe but we are almost there. They should consider knocking Nokia's door again to deal a place in their handsets. It wasn't making headway. Where is MS's answer to those? I'm a 20+ year developer, and I had three different windows phones for over 6 years. It was a record third quarter, driven by the continued strength of the Microsoft Cloud, which surpassed $23 billion in revenue, up 32% year-over-year. So who knows how well they will run. Satya went for the cheap option. Just a fool without vision and strategy thinking from day to day. We invested time and money in you! Sure, there's the Holodeck, but that's a plot device and not an actual envisioning of "how stuff gets done." - he made stock holders some money. Thus, he was biased for Azure and various cloud initiatives. So no, it had nothing useful at a time when both Android and IOS were already much better. As people carry the more and more powerful smart phones in their hands and as they wil replace the common office computer this WILL means big trouble for Microsoft in the future. The overlap between product lines in Microsoft is substantial. WP8 was suposed to be a transtion from WP7 and shed all of the Widows Ce core code from the platform but they lost all the basic functionality of WP7. Me too. They lined everything up to continue growing the phones, but just didn't deliver. @cryio.My son has autism. That's all MS can do now anyways. It's now over, and they will suffer the market consequences for many years to come. Based on details provided in the Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study Nadella Satya can easily grow in its domestic market without much innovation but will require further investment into research and development to enter international market. Shortly after the deal closed in April 2014, he announced the largest layoff in Microsofts history; 18,000 positions were eliminated, the majority of which involved Nokia. - Implementation of Technology in Processes Even though Nadella Satya has integrated technology in the backend processes it has still not able to harness the power of technology in the front end processes. ". Expansion into international market can help Nadella Satya to tap into international talent market. The mythical Windows future device to change the world. And completely abandoning the consumer market, going for business only. He called a a rejected platform and yet at 1 point, there were as many windows phone users as there are Mac users. They tried social twice, android wear is a joke (Samsung, Fitbit, and Garmin rule with their own OSes), they failed at their first hardware division, and so on. Microsoft's handling of mobile will be studied in B-School in the future alongside case studies of Atari.. Its not too late, Satya has made mistakes, but he did launched Nokia X but didn't put enough resources and marketing campaign so that Android app developers like Google, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat could see that their apps could finally run on a Microsoft product. I'm guessing that the Xbox is next on the chopping block, and I would be shocked if MS releases another console after the One X. Nadella's management decisions are definitely defensible - but I still think a mistake. why they killed project astoria? If theysee Google and Apple apps/hardware/software everywhere, people are not going to buy Microsoft. Microsoft, you used to plant the tree. Nadella is synonymous with the cloud for a reason. He articulated the company's mission, transformed the corporate culture, and formed strategic partnerships with Microsoft's fiercest . (See Gene Wilder in The Producers.). Without mobile they will dissappear in years to come. I had me and a lot of my extended family on WIndows devices. Or their own apps in the Windows Store. This is the way to go. "We didn't get networks," he said. Seriously? I stand by that. Plus many government agencies were selecting windows phones for security reasons. I had one for grarage band, but I could not stand OSX. Go now Natella.. During the recent interview with business podcast Marketplace's Corner Office, Dell XPS 15 and XPS 17 now available with 13th Gen Intel CPUs and NVIDIA RTX 40-Series graphics, Resident Evil 4 remake preview: Darker and sleeker but still beautifully cheesy, Bing Chat can now switch between tones at the switch of a toggle, Monster Hunter: Rise and 19 other games headed to NVIDIA GeForce NOW in March. If you go back and look though, I was a HUGE MS/ Windows Mobile supporter. That's the way it was back in the day of Bill Gates, but those days are long over and it's their own fault. I have been a windows mobile / phone user for a many years. He is the chief executive officer (CEO) of Microsoft, succeeding Steve Ballmer in 2014. Microsoft crowned a new leader today, with Satya Nadella taking over the reins from exiting CEO Steve Ballmer. They would have been the first to buy mixed reality devices and paid monthly for Xbox gold and Groove. You don't even have to say "hey Cortana", so, there's that. By India Today Tech: Most companies, regardless of their sector, are calling employees back to the office now that COVID cases have dropped significantly. Explain me how developers could have ever been motivated to create new apps for the platform after Nadella sold the complete mobile department to Foxxconn in 2015, not making any new model since What would have stopped him from saying "you know what, we need a mobile platform. In Europe Nokia was doing much better than in the US. Until now Microsoft has let all their phone users down. Consumers are NOT going to continue to buy from a company that consistently gives up and drops support. Now the Lumia owners are cut away to sink or swim. Jason this is one of the BEST articles I've read by you! I recently went back to an iPhone 8, and will now likely never go back to Windows on a pocket device. I tell you. I started with Windows CE 1.0 and went through all of the different iterations of mobile software that Microsoft shipped. I keep having to reboot the Galaxy S7. I am staying with my April 2017 Lumia 950XL (UK) till it no longer works. I love Windows Mobile for what it is but I am willing to give other things a shot with the caveat that I am going to very picky about the phone I get. Back in 2006 subscribed after being a Tester of Windows Live OneCare for Microsoft, used that til 2009, which then was replaced by MSE while it detection rate was good at first, then not good, then started to get better again, feeling a little safer using Windows Defender lately as it's now tightly intergrated into Windows 8.1 and 10, so likely hood of them dropping it maybe less now. Profits in the short term will improve, but viability of their technology will be replaced as customers seek other alternatives. Microsoft's CEO wrote for Fast Company about a quote from philosopher Sren Kierkegaard that . I have no doubt Microsoft will be successful long-term, but Nadella is morphing the Microsoft DNA completely away from consumer-facing products & services, and probably also away from front-end Enterprise products & services, concentrating strictly on cloud-base services and back-end infrastructure at the internet level.

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