We don't have the Tesseract. Stark/Ironman: [ to the Maw, referring to Dr. Banner: [ trying to get Hulk to show up] I need to concentrate for a second. Then, starting in the mid-1930s, some were released into the wild. Thanos: I finally rest. Asgard is destroyed. Theres something we need to discuss, Little One. : Wait until Star-Lord learns that there was a remake. [lifting his sword] Thor Stark: [ to Dr. Loki Quill: Im going to ask you this one time, wheres Gamora? Captain America: [ to Vision] I thought I told you to go. Gamora: One way or another, the path that were on, leads to Thanos. While we're on the subject of great Captain America-themed moments in Endgame, we'd be remiss if we skipped over that beautiful Captain America v Captain America: Dawn of Just Us battle. While arguing over their strategy against Thanos, Drax brings up the time the Guardians saved the galaxy with a dance-off. Okay. Gamora: All my life I dreamed of a day, a moment, when you got what you deserved. Or should I say: I am. I assume you have a preference. You guys are so screwed now! Ooh. Strange: Are you seriously leaning on a Cauldron of the Cosmos? Ah, let me just ask the captain. : Mmm, a little bit, yeah. Strange: I seriously dont know how you get that head into that helmet. However, while Present Cap is able to get the upper hand by telling Past Cap that "Bucky's alive" in a callback to Crossbone's similar distraction in Captain America: Civil War, that seems to complicate the future timeline. Thor Much of the conversation about Avengers: Infinity War has revolved around how big it is, how epic it is, and how dark it is -- especially when it comes to the ending. After rescuing Thor the Pirate-Angel, Quill tries to downplay his handsomeness, only for the rest of the Guardians to point out that Quill has been putting on weight. Me. Thor and the rest of the Asgardians (or at least the guards in Endgame) are always referring to Rocket as a rabbit in both Infinity War and Endgame. Thor: I went for the head. [Staring at the Guardians] Loki: Well, for one thing, Im not Asgardian. : Dread it? Nidavellir is real? All the kids on the bus crowd to one half to look at the spaceship while Peter makes his exit. "Dude, how long have you been standing there?" Rocket: [to Quill] Who are you kidding, youre one sandwich away from fat. You might say, it is a certain wisdom. I know what it's like to lose. Stark: Wong, youre invited to my wedding. : I would've washed that. Marvel Studios AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR..L to R: Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff (Lizzie Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany)..Photo: Film Frame..Marvel Studios 2018. Quill: What? Rocket: Well, if fate does want you to kill that crabsack, youre gonna need more than one stupid eyeball. The universe has judged you. In Infinity War, Thor meets up with the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Rocket hands him a new eye that he stole to put into his . Dr. Peter Quill Loki Chris Evans has been ready to move on to eating carbs and starring in indie movies for years, so it wasn't a complete surprise that he left the MCU on his own terms. Red Skull: What you seek lies in front of you. The Earth's mightiest heroes. Before they went back to the. [sees Thor's traumatic suffering, screaming in agony]. I can't stress how deeply entertaining Avengers: Infinity War can be and the movie is jam-packed with great character moments and jokes that help to brighten the darkness. According to an answer for the question How did Thor return to Earth in The Avengers?, Thor gets back to Earth in the last movie using a newly created Bifrost bridge.. There are six stones out there. Strange: [ to Tony Stark] Oh, and congratulations on the wedding. He graduated from Rowan University and loves Marvel, Nintendo, and going on long hikes and then greatly wishing he was back indoors. Hey, we're here. Rocket: I hope these dwarves are better forgers than they are cleaners. From time-travel hijinks to that explosive moment with Mjolnir, there's a lot of moments that probably left you scratching your head in confusion even while you were cheering. As soon as he touched Thanos' gloved hand, it was all over for the Mad Titan. Oh, by the way, this is a friend of mine, Tree. Stark: Hes more than that, hes evolving. Everything I hate about myself, you taught me. [Thor stands over a badly wounded Thanos]. Thor Quill: Alright, Guardians dont forget, this might be dangerous so lets put on our mean faces. He then lands a blow to Hulk's neck, causing him to cry out in pain. Drax: He is not a dude. [Thanos stabs Heimdall in the chest] : Thanos Indeed the movie is all of these things, but one thing I don't think is getting quite as much attention is just how damn funny Infinity War is. Im confused as to the relationship here. Like the Beatles? For a time, you had that same will. : Now is no time at all. : Banner: (laughing) You guys are so screwed now! Thor (rocket family) Thor was a US space launch vehicle derived from the PGM-17 Thor intermediate-range ballistic missile. Maybe they realize they live in a junkpile in a middle of space. Thor And every one of them would have rather killed me than not succeeded. Basically, expand your mind, maaaaaaan. Thanos approaches Heimdall]. The interaction between Thor and the Guardians crew was one of the film's best crossover moments; and then, it's with Rocket Raccoon (aka "Sweet Rabbit")and Groot that Thor travels to Nidavellir for a weapon of the Thanos-killing kind. If I might interject. Quill: Step-father, technically. : Thor What's this? Were more optimistic, yes. Loki: I assure you brother, the sun will shine on us again. Thanks! Thanos: Oh daughter, you expect too much from him. I mean, Spider-man has a new movie coming out in 2019! Thus, the timeline is secure except for every other screw-up the Avengers make in the past. [Inside the Milano, Thor's on a table with the Guardian surrounding him and Peter says to Mantis] Because you love nothing. Thor is at his lowest point that he's been in any of the films. Loki : : Stark: [to Dr. I am Groot. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, asks Spider-Man (who was on point with his pop culture references). [Heimdall sends Hulk to Earth by summoning the bifrost] You talk too much. Thor Or should I say, I am? Thor : The Asgardian Avenger is fresh out of Thor: Ragnarok, where he was forced to confront just-returned villainess sister Hela. I could lose a lot. In effect, certain events can never be changed, while the past and future are always fluidly changing. Thor Banner: I dont know, were sorta having a thing. Thor So, what actually are the rules of time travel? New haircut? : Groot: [ in a sarcastic, sassy tone]I am Groot. It will kill you. Drax saying that he can take Iron Man's blast straight to the face and everyone telling him he can't; Doctor Strange asking what master Quill serves ("What am I supposed to say? Everything about the following exchange is great. Eitri Everything about this is just so damn funny. Nebula: You should have killed me (speaking to Thanos). Engage all defenses! Rocket: Okay, time to be the Captain. (flicks wrist). There are two more stones on Earth. In The Art of Avengers: Infinity War book ( which you can purchase right here ), a piece of concept art shows shows Thor and Rocket teaming up in an epic battle with a pair of gigantic serpents . Confusing Moments In Avengers: Endgame Explained. : This joke actually comes at a really serious moment in the movie, but I still couldn't help but chuckle. It'll kill you. Smile. So Im good to go. : Thor Spider-man: I dont know whats happening.. When Im done, half of humanity will still be alive. Guardians of the Galaxy: The Cosmos Cocktail, Black Panther Themed Cocktail | The Chilling Mist Cocktail, Black Panther Cocktail | The Vibranium Cocktail with Hpnotiq, Hey Auntie Black Panther Cocktail with Red Velvet Cake + Hennessy, Black Panther Cocktail |The Heart-Shaped Herb Cocktail, Guardians of the Galaxy Gamora Drink| The Green Pineapple Mocktail, the line after where did you come from is field trip to MoMA, Your email address will not be published. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Subscribe to the newsletter for all the latest recipes, tips, entertainment + more! I do have a bit of experience in that area. It needs correcting. Loki Bring me Thanos! "Your life is yours," he said. As soon as Natasha and Clint head off to get the Soul Stone from Vormir, audience members who remembered Avengers: Infinity War were likely squirming in their seats. : Eitri Company Credits Well, for one thing, I'm not Asgardian. : Thanos : : And for another, we have the Hulk! Stark: And I swore off dairy, but then Ben and Jerrys named a flavor after me, so. Unlike her sister, Gamora, Nebula was outfitted with a series of cybernetic implants by her abusive father Thanos in order to make up for her lack of expert fighting prowess. Earth is closed today. Then she returned home and stabbed me in the eye. Ebony Maw Run from it? Thor At least Im the only who the will to act on it. Do it. Ebony Maw telekinetically restrains Thor with metal]. Strange: Unlike everyone else in your life, I dont work for you. Except, it sucks. Technical Specs, [Shrieks in pain as Thanos presses the Power stone against his head], [Heimdall sends Hulk to Earth by summoning the bifrost], [Uses the Gauntlet to stop Loki attempting to stab him in the neck], [smashes into the windshield of the Milano], [Inside the Milano, Thor's on a table with the Guardian surrounding him and Peter says to Mantis]. Quill: Exactly like Footloose. This moment reeks of James Gunn, who actually did contribute dialogue to the movie. Thanos: Then in doing so, made you the fiercest woman in the Galaxy. As much as we are sad and shocked about Spider-man fading away, we know its not the end. Eitri It's kind of a good question and one that Tony Stark and Peter Paker can't figure out an answer to. The Tesseract. Scrounging for scraps. To feel so desperately that youre right, but to fail nonetheless. Thanos: [ to Wanda/Scarlet Witch] I understand my child, better than anyone. You should chose your words more carefully. Rocket: And you said you hate your sister and your dad? Oh, wait a second, it's me! [Shrieks in pain as Thanos presses the Power stone against his head]. No one. When Thor and Rocket go back to Asgard during the events of Thor: The Dark World, they're there for one reason only: to get the Reality Stone from Jane's body and return to the present. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). I got you. Thank you, sweet rabbit. If he gets all six infinity stones he can do it with a snap of his fingers, like this. And now, it's here. But together, you and I, we can kill Thanos. Tony Stark can only stare in silence at the two of them and after a hilarious pause moves on to figuring out how to stop purple titan from becoming a god. Strange: Im sorry. I am Groot! : Marvel Studios AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR..Black Panther/TChalla (Chadwick Boseman), in b/g MBaku (Winston Duke), Captain America (Chris Evans) and Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan)..Photo: Film Frame..Marvel Studios 2018. : Dr. : : Tree. RELATED: Infinity War Theory: Why Heimdall Chose to Save Hulk Instead of Thor. Thanos Official Sites Were toast. Fate wills it so. And for us as storytellers, it's a wonderful place to take a character when you strip everything away," added director Anthony Russo. Thor I hated my life. : They venture together to Nidavellir and directly help him create Stormbreaker. What did you do? Matt has been covering the entertainment industry for over two years and will fight to his dying breath that Hulk and Black Widow make a good couple. Marvel Studios AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR..Spider-Man/Peter Parker (Tom Holland)..Photo: Film Frame..Marvel Studios 2018. Yes, they taught it on Asgard. Again, spoiler warning! Thor While making a plan to stop Thanos on Titan, a yawn from a bored Drax forces Peter to ask what he and Mantis even do. Now, reality can be whatever I want. Destiny arrives all the same. Ancient One: For each stone you remove, you'll create a new, vulnerable timeline. It's only fitting then that Cap would pass his shield along in the same fashion in the MCU. Quill: Gamora, do you know if these grenades are the blow off your junk kind or the gas kind? Marvel Studios AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR..Thor (Chris Hemsworth)..Photo: Film Frame..Marvel Studios 2018. Kill away. Your bodies would crumble as your minds collapsed into madness. Thor : BRING ME THANOS! Thanos Stark: No, youre still away. NO! Of the surviving Avengers, there's not really a short line in terms of heroes ready to use Iron Man's Gauntlet to revive their friends and family. : : Well, for starters, after five years of bumming around New Asgard, Thor was starting to wonder if he was still worthy remember, as far as we know, Stormbreaker doesn't have Odin's enchantment that only the worthy may wield it. : Rocket Raccoon Asgard was supposed to protect us! As a result, when Thor went to Nidavellir for a " Thanos killing " weapon it was no surprise that Rocket and Groot (Vin Diesel) joined him on his quest. And every one of them would have rather killed me than not succeeded. Seriously? Eitri If youre looking for a list of Infinity War quotes, you will find all of them in this round-up. Well, hes never fought me twice. Eitri, the glove. Gamora: [ to Quill] I love you, more than you will ever know. The mechanism is crippled. For even in death, you have become children of Thanos. NY 10036. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Maw: You saved nothing. Thanos: Reality is often disappointing. Peter Quill Quill: Flash Gordon? Me, personally? He then delivers a series of powerful punches, dazing Hulk. Its a paradise. While the Avengers' time heist seems complicated at first, it becomes even more complex once Past Nebula is able to access Present Nebula's memories, cluing Past Thanos in to the Avengers' scheme. Heres how it works. Thanos: [ to Loki] The Tesseract or your brothers head? Youre not the only one cursed with knowledge. How long will it take to heat? Mr. Secretary: The world is on fire, and you think, all is forgiven? Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian. Required fields are marked *. However, it wasn't until the 20th century that German fur farmers started importing them to Europe. The children born have known nothing but full bullies and clear skies. It's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo, but that character is actually Harley Keener, played by Ty Simpkins, the gadget-loving wunderkind who helped Tony out of a jam in Iron Man 3. Thanos: Little one, its a simple calculus. Thor Once she hears that giving up the Time Stone is part of his plan, she's willing to gamble her own version of the Time Stone to a similarly massive being. [to Thor] : Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. You are imitating the god-man. Thanos lifts Hulk over his head and slams him to the floor. Rocket Raccoon Vision Quill: Which are what the grenades are for. It's a major blow against the Avengers' plan, and it seems to come out of nowhere. Thor Loki Thanos: It would have been a waste of parts! If you're going to Earth, you might want a guide. Black Panther Quotes from Marvels Black Panther Movie, Marvels Best One Yet: Avengers: Endgame {Spoiler-Free Review}, ______________________________________________________________, Marvel Studios AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR.Thanos (Josh Brolin).Photo: Film Frame..Marvel Studios 2018. Rocket: You sure youre up to this mission? As it turns out, though, it was Hulk who did the snap that undid Thanos' own fateful snap. Quill: I like to think of myself more as a titan-killing-long-term-booty-call, let her go. : Dread it, run from it destiny arrives all the same. Thank you for signing up to CinemaBlend. : Graduate of the University of California, Los Angeles in Political Science/History and Film. No resurrections this time. Clint's serial killing spree of the worst people left after Thanos' snap was a subplot that was introduced quickly and dropped almost as fast. Thor Thor Eitri The stone demands a sacrifice. All except me. As the group heads into space to hunt down Thanos, Rocket turns and asks who hasn't been in space. Bruce Banner Now that Odinson has spent five years living in Norway and has joined the Guardians for more cosmic adventures, he should probably be aware of what kind of animal Rocket really is. Stark: Im sorry. To feel so desperately that you're right yet to fail, nonetheless. AboutPressCopyrightContact. Or your brother's head? Steve and Thor finally reunite, and Thor introduces Steve to his new friend, a tree. Instead, Bucky took over for Cap more as necessity when Steve Rogers died (and was unstuck through time). Stark: We dont have time for a thing. Red Skull: In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. Eitri, this isn't about your hands. [mutters] You just can't beat a good sidekick. Bring me THANOS! Dr. Loki But, as Banner points out while looking at the gauntlet that Tony's built, the Stones give off gamma radiation and that's what created the Hulk. Even for you. Thor So, unlike the many malicious nicknames Star-Lord has given Rocket, Thor's may simply be due to a lack of awareness. Following his encounter with Thanos, Thor is left stranded in space. But eventually, the Hulk is able to convince her to give up her favorite glowing green rock by dropping Stephen Strange's name. Or your brother's head. Drax Perfect. But why was the Green Goliath the one to wear it? That was a mistake. : The Thor missile force was withdrawn in 1963. Thanos is just the latest of a long line of bas__ _, and hell be the latest to feel my vengeance. Gamora on Thanos: The entire time I knew Thanos, he only ever had one goal: to bring balance to the universe by wiping out half of all life. At the end of the day, despite sort of losing a fight to Thor inThor: Ragnarok(which was Thor's movie, after all), Hulk really is the strongest one there is. MARVEL LEGENDS AVENGERS THOR ROCKET GROOT INFINITY WAR 3 PACK NEW TOYS R US EX. Well, the easy answer is that the Soul Stone demands a sacrifice of the person who is receiving the Soul Stone. While trying to grab the scepter and the Tesseract, Iron Man and Ant-Man accidentally let Loki get away with the Tesseract. It sucks. Build Up Tony arrives at Stark HQ in NYC to stall Loki until Banner can get there. It's also a nod to how fit Chris Pratt got once he became a movie star. I feel your pain. Thor Or I will blow that nut-sack of a chin right off your face. All right, stop! [laughs] Shhh. Thanos: What do you think he brought you? Sorry, I cant remember anyones names. :

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