Section 40:66A-21 - Public bodies to pay service charge. Wall Township Police Department (732) 449-4500 Section 40:20-18 - Results of election; return and canvassing. Key Dates for the Promotional Exams Application Opening: July 1, 2020 Application Deadline: July 22, 2020 Notice to Appear for Exam: September 4, 2020 Examination Date: September 19, 2020 (Saturday) Section 40:9B-1 - Establishment and maintenance of narcotic treatment programs and centers. New Jersey Statutes 40A:14-118. Police force; creation and Section 40:55D-42 - Contribution for off-tract water, sewer, drainage, and street improvements. Section 40:11-17 - Salaries not affected by 1930 census or reclassification act; exceptions, Section 40:11-17.1 - Salaries not affected by 1940 census or reclassification act; exceptions, Section 40:11-22 - Pensions on death of policemen or firemen killed in line of duty; amounts, Section 40:11-24 - Prospective payment with respect to members killed after January 1, 1956, Section 40:11-25 - Inclusion of necessary amounts in budget, Section 40:11A-2 - Declaration of necessity of legislation, Section 40:11A-4 - Creation of parking authorities. Section 40:48-2.13 - Removal, destruction of brush, weeds, debris, etc. Section 40:66A-7.2 - Certified copy of bond resolution proceedings; filing. Section 40:11A-22.2 - Qualification for appointment as parking enforcement officer. Section 40:68A-44 - Authority to issue bonds; bond resolution, Section 40:68A-46 - Sale of bonds; interest, Section 40:68A-47 - Filing copy of bond resolution; publication of notice; limitation of actions, Section 40:68A-48 - Agreements with bondholders, Section 40:68A-49 - Default in payment of series bonds; appointment of trustee; powers, Section 40:68A-50 - Appointment of receiver; powers and duties, Section 40:68A-51 - Personal liability on bonds; not debt or liability of state, county or municipality, Section 40:68A-52 - Negotiability of bonds, Section 40:68A-53 - Real property; acquisition; condemnation, Section 40:68A-54 - Construction or operation of port system; additional powers; relocation of facilities, Section 40:68A-55 - Aid and co-operation of local units, Section 40:68A-56 - Sale, lease, loan, grant or conveyance to municipal port authority, Section 40:68A-57 - Appropriation of money by local unit, Section 40:68A-58 - Contracts for use or lease of port system, Section 40:68A-59 - Mortgage, pledge or disposal of port system; exceptions, Section 40:68A-60 - Exemption from execution, Section 40:68A-61 - Payments in lieu of taxes, Section 40:68A-62 - Bonds as legal investments, Section 40:68A-64 - Pledge of state to bondholders, Section 40:68A-65 - Banks authorized to give undertaking; deposits, Section 40:68A-67 - Filing certified copies of bond resolutions and annual budgets, Section 40:69A-1 - Election on question whether charter commission shall be elected, Section 40:69A-2 - Election of charter commission members at same time public question is submitted, Section 40:69A-3 - Candidates for charter commission, Section 40:69A-5 - Organization of charter commission; quorum; majority required for effective recommendations, Section 40:69A-6 - Vacancies in charter commission, Section 40:69A-7 - Duties of charter commission, Section 40:69A-8 - No compensation; expenses of commission members; consultants and assistants, Section 40:69A-9 - Hearings; public forums, Section 40:69A-10 - Report of charter commission; copies, Section 40:69A-11 - Discharge of charter commission; change of recommendation; amended report, Section 40:69A-12 - Report and recommendations, Section 40:69A-13 - Number of council members and wards; recommendations, Section 40:69A-14 - Form of question submitted to voters, Section 40:69A-15 - Ballots; submission of question of adoption of optional plan of government, Section 40:69A-16 - Special charter or specific amendments of charters; petition to legislature, Section 40:69A-17 - Other proceedings pending; no new resolution or petition within 4 years, Section 40:69A-18 - Adoption of optional plan without charter commission, Section 40:69A-19 - Petition for election upon adoption of optional plan of government, Section 40:69A-20 - Submission of question, Section 40:69A-21 - Other proceedings pending; no new petition within 4 years, Section 40:69A-22 - Vote in favor of change in form of government. Section 40:85-11 - Nomination, election of officers for new government. Section 40:69A-205 - Adoption of schedule of installation of optional plan. Section 40:48-2.16 - Monument, memorial to commemorate service of armed forces. Section 40:41A-126 - Effective date of administrative code, Section 40:41A-127 - Existing resolutions remain in force where not inconsistent, Section 40:41A-128 - Appointments between election and time of taking office under optional plan; pending actions and proceedings, Section 40:41A-129 - Employees in the classified service, Section 40:41A-129.1 - Counties of first class; appointment of aides; unclassified service, Section 40:41A-130 - County administration of civil service, Section 40:41A-131 - Procedures for establishment of county department of civil service, Section 40:41A-133 - Preparation and submission of budget; budgetary process, Section 40:41A-134 - Scope of budget and message, Section 40:41A-138 - Appropriation requests; allotments, Section 40:41A-142 - Person charged; newspapers; qualifications. Title 40 - MUNICIPALITIES AND COUNTIES Title 40 - MUNICIPALITIES AND COUNTIES Browse as List Search Within Chapter 40:3 ( 3-1 3-24) Chapter 40:5 - CONTRIBUTIONS TO FIRST AID, AMBULANCE AND RESCUE SQUADS ( 5-2 5-19) Resources New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police: - - 856.334.8943 New Jersey State Police: - - 609.882.2000 ext. Section 40:55D-51 - Exception in application of subdivision or site plan regulation; simultaneous review and approval. Section 40:14B-22.4 - Credit provided by utilities authority for damage caused by catastrophic event. Section 40:15A-1 - Definitions relative to Yellow Dot programs. Section 40:49-1 - "Ordinance" and "resolution" defined, Section 40:49-2 - Procedure for passage; "governing body" defined, Section 40:49-2.1 - Land use ordinances; publication; transmittal to tax assessor, Section 40:49-3 - Ordinances in effect in 1917 unaffected, Section 40:49-4 - Revision and codification of ordinances. TO ACCESS THE PROMOTION SCREEN From the Menu Bar, select New Transaction. Section 40:23-6.44 - Rules and regulations by director of division on aging, Section 40:23-6.45 - Lands of county or county park commission; use as training grounds for firemen or police, Section 40:23-6.46 - Operation and improvement of properties for training purposes; appropriation and expenditure of funds, Section 40:23-6.47 - Office of consumer affairs; establishment by county or municipality; employees, Section 40:23-6.49 - Office of consumer affairs in county or municipality established prior to and in conformity with this act; validation of acts and proceedings, Section 40:23-6.50 - Surplus and surface waters on railroad property; construction of works to control by county. Section 40:14B-40.1 - Findings, declarations relative to infrastructure maintenance. Section 40:69A-150 - Municipal elections; time. Terrence Mulligan, Lt. Jeff McCarrick, Sgt. Section 40:48E-5 - Hotel owners, tax payments; calculation, refund. Municipalities and Counties New Jersey Statutes Title 40. Section 40:62-14 - Rents a lien; collection and enforcement, Section 40:62-15 - Referendum; petition; submission by governing body, Section 40:62-16 - Copy of resolution; service, Section 40:62-17 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:62-18 - Notice and conduct of election, Section 40:62-19 - Procedure after adoption, Section 40:62-21 - Contracts to supply light, heat and power, Section 40:62-23 - Municipality serving county or other municipality treated as private corporation, Section 40:62-24 - Municipality serving others deemed public utility; control by board of public utilities; rate structure, Section 40:62-25 - Contracts for supply of light, heat and power; duration, Section 40:62-25.1 - Joint acquisition, maintenance and operation of electrical generation facilities; contracts, Section 40:62-25.2 - Duration of contract; ownership and control of facilities, Section 40:62-25.3 - Bonds or anticipation notes to finance, Section 40:62-25.4 - Construction of act; application of laws on public contracts. with municipal governments, Section 40:54D-44 - Prior obligations unaffected, Section 40:55-21.15 - Municipalities qualified to receive certain state aid; urban growth zones; determination by ordinance; exemption of projects from land use ordinances, Section 40:55-52 - Authentication before filing, Section 40:55B-2 - Legislative finding; purpose of chapter, Section 40:55B-3 - Creation; official title, Section 40:55B-4 - Body corporate; number of members, Section 40:55B-8 - Purposes, functions, and additional powers, Section 40:55B-8.1 - Contracts relating to transfer of interest in real estate; veto by mayor, Section 40:55B-8.2 - Restrictions or conditions on real property sold or leased by commission, Section 40:55B-9 - Study of tax structure, Section 40:55B-10 - Limitations on powers; appropriations; records and reports. Section 40:48-9.15 - Findings, declarations relative to disaster relief funding programs; authorization of grant programs. Section 40:55D-10.5 - Development regulations, certain, govern review of application. Section 40:23-54 - Criminal history record check requested by county, authority for. Section 40:20-72 - Members of boards of chosen freeholders not governed by optional county charter law; director, Section 40:20-73 - Compensation of freeholders not paid an annual salary, Section 40:20-74 - Salaries of freeholders not paid on per diem basis, Section 40:20-74.1 - Resolution fixing compensation; publication before passage, Section 40:20-74.2 - Hearing on resolution, Section 40:20-74.3 - Second reading or amendment, Section 40:20-74.4 - Publication of resolution upon passage, Section 40:20-74.5 - Majority required for passage, Section 40:20-74.6 - Compensation not changed unless fixed by resolution, Section 40:20-77 - Special meetings; how called; notice, Section 40:20-78 - Penalty for clerk's failure to call meeting, Section 40:20-79 - Adjournment of meeting, Section 40:20-81 - Director to appoint members of committees, Section 40:20-82 - Investigations by committees; member may administer oath, Section 40:23-1 - Books and stationery for county officers, Section 40:23-2 - Printing for county superintendent of schools, Section 40:23-3 - Exhibition of county products, Section 40:23-4 - Acceptance of contributions for county improvements; agreements for, Section 40:23-5 - Advertise advantages of county, Section 40:23-5.1 - Office or department to study economic resources and encourage economic development of county; establishment, Section 40:23-5.2 - Assignment of activities and functions, Section 40:23-5.4 - Appointment of advisory committee, Section 40:23-5.5 - Conduct of activities requiring real estate broker's license prohibited, Section 40:23-6 - Membership in New Jersey Association of Counties and County Officers Association of New Jersey, Section 40:23-6.1 - Summer camps for children in populous counties, Section 40:23-6.2 - Camp for undernourished and underprivileged children; commission or board, Section 40:23-6.3 - County camp commission and managers of camp, Section 40:23-6.4 - Members of commission; terms; vacancy, Section 40:23-6.5 - No compensation to members; expenses, Section 40:23-6.7 - Powers and duties of board of managers, Section 40:23-6.8 - Equipment and maintenance of camp, Section 40:23-6.9 - Meetings of commission; budget, Section 40:23-6.11 - Bills and accounts including salaries and wages, Section 40:23-6.12 - Employees and assistant employees, Section 40:23-6.13 - Employees subject to rules and regulations, Section 40:23-6.15 - Salaries of employees, Section 40:23-6.16 - Secretary to commission, Section 40:23-6.17 - Care and treatment of veterans in county hospitals, Section 40:23-6.18 - Necessary funds; appropriation, Section 40:23-6.19 - Use of funds not otherwise dedicated; borrowing money, Section 40:23-6.20 - Counties over 400,000 other than counties of first class; no fee for building permit for county buildings, Section 40:23-6.22 - Museum facilities and services; maintenance and support, Section 40:23-6.23 - Distribution of federal surplus food commodities; contracts for sharing cost, Section 40:23-6.24 - Appropriating or raising funds for surplus food distribution, Section 40:23-6.25 - Payment of costs of surplus food distribution by board of freeholders, Section 40:23-6.26 - Contracts with municipalities for services or facilities by counties over 500,000 population, Section 40:23-6.27 - Term of contract; advertisement for bids, Section 40:23-6.28 - Contract; required provisions, Section 40:23-6.29 - Appropriation of funds; purchase or lease of machinery and equipment; acquisition of lands, Section 40:23-6.30 - Establishment and maintenance of program for rehabilitation of youthful offenders in counties of first class over 800,000 population, Section 40:23-6.31 - Appropriation of funds, Section 40:23-6.32 - Construction of additional entrances and exits to highway projects, Section 40:23-6.33 - Appropriation of funds to pay for additional entrances and exits to highway projects, Section 40:23-6.39 - Establishment of county office on aging by resolution, Section 40:23-6.41 - Executive director; appointment; qualifications, Section 40:23-6.42 - Receipt and expenditure of moneys. Giovanetti served as a patrol officer on the midnight shift from 2000-07 and as a . Section 40:14B-20.1 - Interest on deposits with municipal authorities, Section 40:14B-20.2 - Service charge by utility authority for returned check. Section 40:37A-55.1 - Power of authority for purposes of redevelopment of blighted, deteriorated or deteriorating areas. Section 40:14B-14 - Powers vested in members, quorum; minutes, approval. Section 40:84-2 - First election; when held. Section 40:20-71.3 - Veto power of director of board of chosen freeholders, certain. Section 40:45-18 - Municipalities with run-off elections; election of councilmen-at-large or commissioners or village trustees with less than majority of votes. Section 40:54A-8 - Compliance of charges with terms of lease or other agreement; adjustment of rates; basis, Section 40:54A-9 - Acquisition of realty; manner; eminent domain, Section 40:54A-10 - Competition with public utility prohibited, Section 40:54A-11 - Annual report of authority; rights and powers of municipality; appropriations; use of funds; budget; record of accounts, Section 40:54C-1 - Tourist development commission; creation by ordinance; members; term of office; vacancies; service without compensation, Section 40:54C-2 - Organization, regulation of commission, Section 40:54C-3 - Disbursement authority, Section 40:54C-4 - Records; reports; disbursements not in accordance with purpose of act, Section 40:54C-5 - Joint action with other commission, Section 40:54C-6 - Advertisements exempt from public bidding, Section 40:54C-7 - Authority of commission, Section 40:54D-2 - Findings, determinations relative to tourism improvement and development. Section 40:55D-66.17 - Findings, declarations, definitions, relative to tiny home occupancy on vacant municipal land. Section 40:48-2.12n - Findings, determinations, declarations. Section 40:55D-62.1 - Notice of hearing on amendment to zoning ordinance. 2022 New Jersey Revised Statutes :: Title 40A - Section 40:55D-13 - Notice concerning master plan. Section 40:62-105 - Necessary powers conferred, Section 40:62-105.1 - Water commissioners; election; to perform duties exercised by township committee, Section 40:62-105.2 - Commissioners to be body corporate; name; general powers, Section 40:62-105.3 - Determination of amount to be raised for ensuing year; election of water commissioners, Section 40:62-105.4 - Terms of members of board of water commissioners, Section 40:62-105.6 - Annual election in water districts, Section 40:62-105.7 - Nomination of candidates for members of board, Section 40:62-105.8 - Nominating petition; certificate of person indorsed, Section 40:62-105.9 - One candidate's name on petition; number of petitions, Section 40:62-105.10 - Verification of petition, Section 40:62-105.11 - Filing of petition, Section 40:62-105.12 - Defective nominating petitions, Section 40:62-105.13 - Ballots; arrangement of candidate's names, Section 40:62-105.14 - Ballots, specifications, Section 40:62-105.16 - Paper on which ballots to be printed, Section 40:62-105.17 - Registry list of preceding general election; persons becoming of age after preceding general election, Section 40:62-105.18 - Advertisement of election, Section 40:62-105.20 - Opening and closing of polls; books for names of voters, Section 40:62-105.21 - Proclamation of opening of election; judge and tellers, Section 40:62-105.23 - Announcement of results of election, Section 40:62-105.24 - Appropriations voted on, form of question, Section 40:62-105.26 - Borrowing for current expenses and repairs, Section 40:62-105.27 - Rights and powers of water commissioners, Section 40:62-105.28 - Money for waterworks and appurtenances; vote; limitation, Section 40:62-105.29 - Meeting to determine amount to be raised; notice, Section 40:62-105.30 - Water accumulation, supply or distribution facilities; acquisition or construction, Section 40:62-105.31 - Resolution authorizing issuance of bonds; time and place of meeting; notices, Section 40:62-105.32 - Conduct of election, Section 40:62-105.33 - Bonds; form; issuance, Section 40:62-105.34 - Payment of principal, interest on bonds, Section 40:62-105.35 - Custodian of moneys; disbursements; bond of treasurer, Section 40:62-105.36 - Auditing of books of treasurer; publication of audit, Section 40:62-105.37 - Enlargement of water district, Section 40:62-105.38 - Lands included in district after enlargement, Section 40:62-105.39 - Effect of enlargement upon terms of officers and obligations of district, Section 40:62-105.40 - Dissolution of water district, Section 40:62-105.41 - Application for resolution dissolving district; notice; hearing, Section 40:62-105.42 - Refund of tax paid upon property in district abolished, Section 40:62-105.43 - Refund of taxes paid where no recital of laying off of water district appears upon records, Section 40:62-105.44 - Water district deemed abandoned when territory formed into two or more new municipalities, Section 40:62-105.45 - Allotment and division of property and money between new municipalities; "municipality" defined, Section 40:62-106 - Consolidation of water and sewer systems, Section 40:62-107 - Service shut off for nonpayment of rent, Section 40:62-107.1 - Sale of municipal water plant; deficit; amortization, Section 40:62-107.2 - Application to state auditor, Section 40:62-107.3 - Liberal construction, Section 40:62-107.4 - Purchase of water distribution system of adjoining municipality. Promotions Lead to New Deputy Chief, Captains and Sergeants in Newark PD Forty-two Newark police officers were promoted during a ceremony at the Greater Abyssinian Baptist Church. Section 40:55D-39.1 - Provision for permanent protection of certain land. Section 40:12-15.13 - Local arts council. Section 40:56A-6 - Studies and recommendations, Section 40:56A-7 - Conservation commission as environmental commission, Section 40:56A-8 - Joint environmental commission; creation by ordinance; members; compensation, Section 40:56A-9 - Chairman; qualifications; term of office, Section 40:56A-10 - Expenses; apportionment; appropriation, Section 40:56A-11 - Functions, duties and powers, Section 40:56A-12 - Succession of established commission by joint commission; transfers, Section 40:58-1 - Municipal forestry; establishment, Section 40:59-1 - Acquisition of lands and buildings; construction, Section 40:59-2 - Rents; use of revenues; deficiencies met by taxation, Section 40:59-4 - Market commissioner; appointment, term and compensation, Section 40:59-5 - Market commissioner; duties, Section 40:60-10 - Property of certain societies transferred in trust to municipality; purposes, Section 40:60-11 - Acceptance of property in trust; appointment of trustees, Section 40:60-12 - Purchase of lands adjoining trust lands; bonds; use of income and proceeds, Section 40:60-13 - Municipality not liable for misappropriation of funds, Section 40:60-14 - Property held in trust for municipality; appointment of new trustee, Section 40:60-15 - Public buildings as memorials; subscriptions, Section 40:60-16 - Ordinance for construction; contributions to be paid before contract executed, Section 40:60-17 - Bonds; annual appropriation; care and maintenance, Section 40:60-18 - Commission to supervise; constituted; powers and duties, Section 40:60-19 - Treasurer of commission; selection and duties, Section 40:60-21 - Title; funds kept separate; disbursements, Section 40:60-22 - Expenses of commissioners, Section 40:60-23 - Plans and specifications; approval by architect or engineer, Section 40:60-24 - Existing buildings for public memorials; acquisition, Section 40:60-25 - Buildings for museum of arts and sciences, etc. County with tax base sharing option; exclusion of appropriations as county tax levy under Cap Law, Section 40:33-13.2m - Evaluation of county library system after rejection by voters or after reorganization; time interval after election. Section 40:55D-152 - Approval of municipal petition; appeal. Section 40:54D-25.1 - Transfer of assets, obligations, etc. Section 40:55D-8.7 - Certain local ordinances void. Section 40:56-72 - Financing and assessment to properties especially benefited; list, Section 40:56-73 - Operation and maintenance; assessment or taxation of costs to benefited properties; name as improvement district, Section 40:56-74 - Specifications for construction, Section 40:56-75 - Police powers and other rights and powers of municipality over pedestrian mall or special improvement district, Section 40:56-76 - Condemnation; procedures incident to development and maintenance, Section 40:56-77 - Uses of mall or special improvement district; control and regulation. Section 40:66A-26 - Banks authorized to give undertaking; deposits. Section 40:48C-1.2 - Imposition of tax, surcharge by certain municipalities. Section 40:55D-143 - Preparation, amendment of development transfer ordinance. John Giovanetti has been promoted from lieutenant to captain. Section 40:55D-145 - Characteristics of receiving zone. Section 40:5-2.10c - Nonprofit hospital for health related community services; voluntary contributions. R.S.40:47-19, persons whose duties do not include any police function, court attendants, State . Section 40:43-66.40 - Petition for formation of joint municipal consolidation study commission; certification of sufficiency; transmittal. Section 40:55D-12.1 - Registration for notice to utility, CATV company, Section 40:55D-12.2 - Local utility notice of applications. Joe Antonello and Det. Section 40:56-45 - Payment of award; payment into court in certain cases, Section 40:56-46 - Title to vest in municipality upon payment; copy of award recorded; map filed, Section 40:56-47 - Appeal from award; procedure, Section 40:56-48 - Contracts with county for road improvements; assessments for benefits, Section 40:56-49 - Improvement of streets part of highway, Section 40:56-50 - Contract with state and county for road improvement, Section 40:56-51 - Payment of cost; assessments for benefits, Section 40:56-53 - House connections; cost assessed. U.s. Air Marshal SalaryMarshal salary in the United States is $88,863 Section 40:14B-22.1 - Solid waste service charges. Section 40:3-5 - Commission to supersede all commissions; body corporate; disbursements; investments, Section 40:3-6 - Certain officers to act when commission not functioning, Section 40:3-7 - Foreclosure of mortgages; municipal sinking fund for school district bonds, Section 40:3-8 - Commissioners not to receive compensation; bonds; secretary and assistants, Section 40:3-9 - Custodian of moneys and securities; investments; accounts, Section 40:3-10 - Sinking fund moneys; investment of, Section 40:3-11 - Annual report; publication, Section 40:3-12 - Accounts; how kept; classification of bonds; accretions; interest; losses, Section 40:3-13 - When commission may sell bonds of county, school district or municipality, Section 40:3-14 - Bonds falling due; funds transmitted for payment, Section 40:3-15 - Commissioners may enforce payment to sinking fund of sums due, Section 40:3-16 - Annual sinking fund requirements; amortization basis, Section 40:3-17 - Sinking fund requirements for year; how calculated, Section 40:3-18 - When contributions to cease, Section 40:3-19 - Excess accumulations, to reduce requirements of sinking fund; deficiency, Section 40:3-20 - Outstanding term bonds tabulated; adjustment of excesses and deficits; surpluses, Section 40:3-21 - Deficiency in sinking funds; how raised, Section 40:3-22 - Special sinking fund requirements additional to annual requirements, Section 40:3-23 - Special sinking fund; distribution of, Section 40:3-24 - Interest on surplus; use of. Section 40:43-66.63 - Consolidation of municipalities; election of officers; date of consolidation; ward boundaries; election district boundaries, Section 40:43-66.64 - New corporate entity; adoption of ordinances by resolution; notice; publication; application of general laws of state, Section 40:43-66.65 - Succession in government, Section 40:43-66.66 - Cooperation of officers and employees of participating municipalities, Section 40:43-66.67 - Transfer of funds and property; tax levy for property subject to separate taxation, Section 40:43-66.68 - Officers and appointees of governing body of participating municipalities; termination of office, Section 40:43-66.70 - Debt obligations and bond issues, Section 40:43-66.71 - Permits, licenses and franchises, Section 40:43-66.72 - Succession in school districts, Section 40:43-66.73 - Principals, teachers and employees in public schools, Section 40:43-66.74 - Members of school boards of education, Section 40:43-66.75 - Officers and employees, Section 40:43-66.76 - Joint service program grant; application; limitations, Section 40:43-66.77 - Liberal construction of act; severability, Section 40:43-66.78 - Findings, declarations relative to consolidation of sparsely populated municipalities, Section 40:43-66.80 - Ordinance proposing municipality's consolidation; consent, Section 40:43-66.81 - Question of consolidation submitted to voters, Section 40:43-66.82 - Meeting with mayors; timetable of consolidation, Section 40:43-66.83 - Effects of consolidation, Section 40:43-66.84 - Tuition, transportation costs of students on federal property, Section 40:44-10 - Application to and governance of municipalities divided into wards, Section 40:44-11 - Division into wards by ward commissioners, Section 40:44-12 - Compensation of ward commissioners, assistance, Section 40:44-13 - Meetings; oath; division into wards or change in boundaries, Section 40:44-14 - Boundaries; requirements. Section 40:48-4.10 - Findings, declarations. Section 40:55D-70.2 - Board of adjustment, determination; reasons, Section 40:55D-72 - Appeals and applications to board of adjustment, Section 40:55D-72.1 - Continuation of application, Section 40:55D-74 - Modification on appeal, Section 40:55D-75 - Stay of proceedings by appeal; exception, Section 40:55D-78 - Terms of joint agreement, Section 40:55D-79 - Membership of regional boards, Section 40:55D-80 - Organization of regional boards; rules and procedures, Section 40:55D-81 - Expenses; staff and consultants, Section 40:55D-82 - Sharing of costs and expenses, Section 40:55D-83 - Termination of agreement, Section 40:55D-84 - Regional planning board; powers, Section 40:55D-85 - Regional board of adjustment, Section 40:55D-85.1 - Appeal to municipality of final decision on application for development by regional planning board or zoning board of adjustment, Section 40:55D-86 - Appointment of joint building officials, zoning officers and planning administrative officers, Section 40:55D-87 - Joint administrative functions, Section 40:55D-88 - Delegation to county, regional and interstate bodies. Section 40:45-7.2 - Arranging ballots for general election. Section 40:14A-4.2 - Provisions relative to budget of certain regional sewerage authorities. PDF Police Training Act - State Section 40:14B-22 - Sewerage service charges. Section 40:55D-53.1 - Interest on deposits with municipalities, Section 40:55D-53.2 - Municipal payments to professionals for services rendered; determination, Section 40:55D-53.2a - Applicant notification to dispute charges; appeals; rules, regulations, Section 40:55D-53.3 - Maintenance, performance guarantees, Section 40:55D-53.4 - Municipal engineer to estimate cost of installation of improvements, Section 40:55D-53.5 - Performance of maintenance guarantee, acceptance, Section 40:55D-53.6 - Municipality to assume payment of cost of street lighting, Section 40:55D-54 - Recording of final approval of major subdivision; filing of all subdivision plats, Section 40:55D-54.1 - Notification to tax assessor of municipality, Section 40:55D-55 - Selling before approval; penalty; suits by municipalities, Section 40:55D-56 - Certificates showing approval; contents, Section 40:55D-57 - Right of owner of land covered by certificate, Section 40:55D-58 - Condominiums and cooperative structures and uses, Section 40:55D-60 - Planning board review in lieu of board of adjustment.

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